Web Design

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Send E-mail with PHP ............................................

2 In your editor, open a new
PHP document.

3 Type <?php.

4 Type mail(“?”, $
POST[‘?’], $

POST[‘?’]);, replacing
the first? with your e-mail
address, the second with the
name of the subject field
from the HTML form, and the
third with the name of the
message field from the form.

5 Type ?>.

6 Type

Your email
message has been


The e-mail capability is
added to the form.

1 In your editor, open or create
an HTML form that contains
fields for a user to enter a
subject and message.

Send E-mail with PHP


very common request from bosses and clients alike is the ability to have the data entered into a
form e-mailed to a given address. Fortunately, PHP makes this very easy through the use of its

mail() function. The function takes three arguments: the first is the address to which the e-mail

should be sent; the second, the subject of the e-mail; and the third, the message itself. Any or all

of these arguments can be variables from an HTML form. Pages that send e-mail should also have

additional code to display some sort of confirmation message to the user.

1 2 3 4 5 6

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