Web Design

(Nancy Kaufman) #1



2-Up option
using in BrowserLab, 205
using in Fireworks, 81
using in Photoshop, 65
4-Up option
using in Fireworks, 81
using in Photoshop, 65

# (pound sign), using with href attribute, 40
/ (slash), using with folders, 34

<a> tag, applying, 36–37
absolute paths, 34–35
benefits of, 243
closed captions, 243
cognitive disabilities, 242
color blindness, 242
and colors, 105
hearing impairment, 242
legal considerations, 243
mobility impairment, 242
navigation, 248–249
and search engines, 243
for SEO (search engine optimization), 328
table headings, creating, 246–247
visual impairment, 242
Acrobat.com, 203
address, getting for Web pages, 39
<address> tag, applying, 33
Adobe Dreamweaver
adding Flash movies to pages in, 231
adding images in, 188–189
adding navigation in, 187
adding new styles in, 198–199
connecting to remote host, 326–327
creating documents in, 182
defining Web sites in, 181
described, 8–9
editing Photoshop images in, 194–195
inserting copyright symbol, 186
inserting Photoshop images in, 190–193

interface, 180
modifying CSS, 196–197
previewing pages in browsers, 201
previewing pages with Live view, 200
replacing <img> tag in, 184
replacing logo placeholder, 184
replacing main content in, 185
resizing images in, 189
setting up remote server, 324–325
starter page layouts, 182–183
uploading dependent files, 327
using upload files, 326–327
using with Spry framework, 218–219
Adobe Fireworks
choosing colors in, 77
comparing optimization settings, 81
creating buttons in, 76–79
creating images in, 77
drawing in, 78
export options, 81
interface, 74
modifying images in, 77
PNG format, 80
saving images for Web in, 80–81
trimming room on canvas, 79
Adobe Illustrator
adding colors to Fill Color, 83
AI image format, 86
changing font properties, 83
creating logos in, 82–85
described, 10
Extrude & Bevel command, 84–85
interface, 75
removing excess canvas, 87
Adobe Kuler, using with color schemes, 106–107
Adobe Media Encoder, using with video, 232–233
Adobe Photoshop. See also Photoshop images
cropping images in, 62–63
described, 10
interface, 58
resizing images in, 62–63
saving images for Web in, 64–65
using to fix colors, 60–61
Adobe Photoshop Elements
cropping images in, 69
described, 10

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