Web Design

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


<p> tag, applying, 30–31
padding, using to fix float problems, 156–157
padding property, using in CSS, 118–119
Page, Larry, 328
PageRank and Google, 328, 333
adding headings to, 28–29
adding images to, 88–89
adding paragraphs to, 30–31
applying logical formatting to, 32–33
avoiding listing on search engines, 336–337
creating, 20–21
displaying table contents on, 304–307
in folders, 34
getting addresses of, 39
linking style sheets to, 146–147
linking to, 36–37
links within, 40–41
naming, 23
nested groups on, 153
previewing in browsers, 24–25, 201
previewing in Dreamweaver, 200
previewing using BrowserLab, 202–205
requesting, 35
saving, 22–23
setting up for CSS layouts, 152–153
SpiderPic, 55
storyboarding, 11
testing in browsers, 25
adding to Web pages, 30–31
controlling spacing between, 31
paths, absolute versus relative, 34
percents, using as measurement in CSS, 101
cropping images in, 62–63
described, 10
resizing images in, 62–63
saving images for Web in, 64–65
using to fix colors, 60–61
Photoshop Elements
cropping images in, 69
described, 10
determining file sizes in, 73

<meta> tags, using, 330–331
metric units, measuring in CSS, 100
Microsoft Expression Web, 8–9
Microsoft Office documents, linking to, 45
.mil domain, 321
mobile Web, 7
mobility impairment, Web accessibility concerns, 242
Mosaic browser, 6
Mozilla Firefox browser, 6
multimedia assets, organizing, 13, 15
MySQL databases. See also databases
administering, 296
connecting to, 294
information_schema, 297
mysql, 297
MYSQL_ASSOC command, 307
mysql_num_rows() function, using, 310

navigation structure, planning, 14
Navigator browser, 6
nested groups, using on Web pages, 153
.net domain, 35, 321
Netscape browser, 6
Nivo slider, using with jQuery, 222–225
Notepad code-based tool, 9
numbered list
adding, 174–175
using letters in, 175

OBDC (Open Database Connectivity), 294
OGG, converting video to, 237
<ol> tag, using in HTML, 174–175
Opera browser, 7
ordered list
adding, 174–175
using letters in, 175
.org domain, 35, 321
organizing Web sites
images, 13
multimedia assets, 13
root folders, 13
source documents, 13
overflow property, using in CSS, 158–159

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