Web Design

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


<label> tag, using with HTML forms, 256–257
<li> tag, using in HTML, 172–174
line-height property, using in CSS, 114–115
<link> tag, using in CSS, 146–147
to document types, 44–45
to e-mail addresses, 42–43
to Microsoft Office documents, 45
to other document types, 44–45
within pages, 40–41
to pages on sites, 36–37
to pages on Web, 38–39
changing appearance of, 37
creating, 36–37
errors generated from, 37
within pages, 40–41
showing tool tips for, 46–47
using images as, 92–93
lists. See also drop-down lists; style lists
adding ordered, 174–175
adding unordered, 172–173
nesting, 173
list-style-type property, using in CSS, 176–177
Live view feature, using in Dreamweaver, 200
logical formatting, applying, 32–33
logo placeholder, replacing in Dreamweaver, 184
logos, creating in Illustrator, 82–85

mailto:, using with href attribute, 42
MAMP (Mac, Apache, MySQL, PHP)
downloading on Mac, 278–279
installing on Mac, 278–279
location of root folder, 282
phpMyAdmin tool, 296
versions of, 279
margin properties, using in CSS, 120–121
margins, using to fix float problems, 156–157
market studies, conducting, 12
Media Encoder, using with video, 232–233
creating with Spry framework, 218–219
displaying, 24

include directive, using in dynamic processing, 288–289
indentation, adjusting in style lists, 177
invention of, 4
versus Web, 4
Internet Explorer browser, 6
displaying menus in, 24
font scaling, 101
signing up for, 54–55
using images from, 56–57
italics, adding to text, 33

browser support, 208
changing visibility of objects, 214–217
disabling, 211
document object, 214
embedding in HTML, 210–211
encapsulating in functions, 216
getElementById() function, 214
and HTML, 209
versus Java, 209
javascript:void code, 217
libraries, 209
Nivo slider, 224
running, 208
SWFObject library, 231
writing, 208
writing functions in, 212–213
JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert’s Group) image format
described, 50
optimization, 52, 65
saving images to, 65
creating image gallery with, 222–225
image sliders, 222
Nivo slider, 222–225

Kuler, using with color schemes, 106–107

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