Modern Spanish Grammar: A Practical Guide

(lily) #1
(a)para que:
Fuimos a Sevilla para que Pepe conociera a su abuela. (see 43.5)
We went to Seville so that Pepe could meet his grandmother.
(b)de modo/manera/forma que:
Lo discutiremos, de manera/modo/forma que lleguemos a una
conclusión lo antes posible. (see 43.5)
We’ll discuss it, so that we may reach a conclusion as soon as possible.
Similar to the above are a/con el fin de que, con el objeto de que and con el propósito
de que (see 43.5).

Whende manera/modo/forma que express consequence and not purpose, the
indicative is used:
Le hablé muy despacio, de manera/modo/forma que me entendió.
I spoke to him/her very slowly, so that (= and the consequence was that)
he/she understood me.

18.2.2 With conjunctions of time when they relate to a future situation

En cuanto llegue, te llamo por teléfono.
As soon as I get there, I’ll call you.
Sólo puedes ir cuando sepamos la verdad.
You can only go when we know the truth.
Manuel dijo que iba a leer hasta que llegara su amigo.
Manuel said that he was going to read until his friend came.
¡Empieza cuando quieras!
Begin when(ever) you like.
Other conjunctions which relate to a hypothetical future situation also take the
A pesar de que me critiquen, no desistiré. (see 52 )
In spite of the fact that they may criticize me, I won’t give up.
Por mucho que protesten no voy a abandonar la empresa. (see also
However much they (may) protest, I’m not going to abandon the
Contrast the following examples, in which the conjunction relates to a past situation,
or to a general situation:
En cuanto llegué, te llamé por teléfono.
As soon as I got there, I called you.
Sólo pude ir cuando supimos la verdad.
I could only go when we knew the truth.
Manuel dijo que siempre leía hasta que llegaba su amigo.
Manuel said that he always read until his friend came.

The subjunctive after conjunctions 18.2

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