Coordinate Grid Matching
Grid Matching
- Enter a formula to randomly pick one of the 25 cells in your grid.
You will use three different Excel functions;
¾ ADDRESS – Creates a cell address, or location, based on row and
column numbers that are supplied.
¾ RANDBETWEEN – Returns a random number between any two integers
that are given.
¾ IF – Tells Excel to do one task if a certain condition is met or to do
something else if it is not.
a. Click on cell A8 and carefully type in the following formula:
The function you will use to generate the random numbers, RANDBETWEEN, is
not a standard Excel function, but is, instead, part of something called the Analy-
sis ToolPak. To have this and other functions available, you need to do the follow-
ing: From the Tools menu, select Add-Ins. When the dialog box opens, click on the
boxes next to Analysis ToolPak and Analysis ToolPak –VBA. Click OK to exit.
See page 53, Creating the Solution for more details.