Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1
Math Facts Game

Math Facts

  1. Copy format from D16 to F16.
    With cell D16 still selected, press Ctrl+C to copy. Click on cell F16, and
    push Ctrl+V to paste. Both cells now have the same formatting.

  2. In cell D16, type in this formula: =A1+A2
    Press Enter. The cell will read “0”.

  3. In cell F16, type in this formula: =A1*A2
    Press Enter. This cell will also read “0”.

  4. In cell D17, type in the following word: SUM
    In cell F17, type in the following word: PRODUCT
    Change the Alignment to Center in both cells by clicking on the Center icon
    in the toolbar at the top of the page.

Figure 188
Selecting shading color for cell

Figure 189
Your results should look like this
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