Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1
Math Exercise Sheets


not appear in the cell, but serves as an indicator to Excel that this is a text
entry and that you want the entry to be right-justified.

  1. Change the font to a larger size.
    Select all of the cells in the worksheet by clicking the gray box to the left of
    the “A” heading above column A.

While all of the cells are selected, choose a large font size such as 24 from
the Font Size selector on the Formatting toolbar. This should make the font
large enough for your young students to be able to write an answer below
the problem.

When you wish to enter numbers or mathematical operators in a cell, you need to
either prefix them with an apostrophe for left justification, a quotation mark for
right-justification, or a carat for centered.

Figure 87
Increasing the font size

Figure 86
Adding a plus sign to a problem
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