Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1

Math Exercise Sheets


  1. Copy and paste the first problem into the first row.
    Now that you have one problem set up, you will want to copy those formu-
    las. Select cells A2 through B3. Type Ctrl+C to copy the cells to the clip-

a. Click in cell D2 and type Ctrl+V to paste the cells from the clipboard.

b. Click in G2 and type Ctrl+V to paste a third column of problems.

  1. Copy and paste the first row of problems into subsequent rows.
    Now that you have one complete row of problems set up, select cells A2:H3
    and type Ctrl+C to copy the formulas for all three problems.

a. Click the mouse in A6 and type Ctrl+C to paste three more problems on
the worksheet.

b. Click in A10 and type Ctrl+V to paste a third row.
Click in A14 and type Ctrl+V to paste a fourth row.
Click in A18 to paste a fifth row of problems.

Figure 88
Copying the problem formula

Figure 89
Copying a complete row of formulas
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