Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1

Arithmetic Facts Quiz

Facts Quiz

following formula and then use the fill handle to copy it down to cell
A15: =VLOOKUP(P5,$Q$5:$S$15,3,FALSE)

In plain language, this formula tells Excel to look at the number in P5
(which is 1), and then find that number somewhere in column Q. Excel
then counts over three columns (column Q gets included in the count),
finds the number in column S, and puts that number into cell A5. Every
time you press F9, the numbers in column A will change as the ranks in
column Q change.

g. In cell D5, type in the following: =A5
Use the fill handle to copy that formula down to cell D15. While the
cells are still grayed in, press Ctrl+C. Move your cursor to cell G5, press
Ctrl+V (paste), and then paste into cell J5.

h. If you want to use this as an addition quiz, put a plus sign (+) in cells
A4, D4, G4, and J4 (Remember to precede the plus sign with a single
apostrophe!). For multiplication, use a capital X.

Using the Application.................................................................................................................

Pressing the F9 key changes the quiz. If you are giving the same quiz to all of
your students, enter the number (in B4, E4, H4, and K4) which is to be added
or multiplied to the numbers in the quiz. If you want to have each student work
at their own level, leave those cells blank. When you give the students the quiz,
tell them the number to write into the top right hand box (next to the operation

Excel Extras

This quiz can be expanded to up to 20 questions with a little bit of work. (You
can fit more on the page if you decrease the row height and font size.) If you
have your students learn their multiplication tables up to 12, for example, you

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