Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1


Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing:

______ Full set of 20 deciduous teeth; baby
teeth fall out and are replaced.
______ Body is less chubby and becomes
leaner and more coordinated.
______ Primary and secondary development
occurs with maturation of genitals.
______ Typically four times the birthweight
and 23 to 37 inches in height
______ Body temperature stabilizes.
______ Average weight is 45 pounds.
______ Brain reaches 90% to 95% of adult size;
nervous system is almost mature.
______ Head is close to adult size.
______ Motor abilities develop, allowing feed-
ing self, crawling, and walking.
______ Can smell and taste and is sensitive to
touch and pain
______ Begins to eliminate stool and urine
______ Deciduous teeth begin to erupt.
______ All permanent teeth are present except
for second and third molars.
______ Attains bladder control during the day
and sometimes during the night
______ Holds a pencil and eventually writes in
script and sentences
______ Full adult size is reached.
______ Drinks breast milk, glucose water, and
plain water
______ Eyes begin to focus and fixate.
______ Turns pages in a book and by age
3 draws stick people
______ Heart doubles in weight, heart rate
slows, blood pressure rises.
______ Rapid brain growth; increase in length
of long bones of the arms and legs
______ Uses fingers to pick up small objects
______ Sexual organs grow but are dormant
until late in this period.
2.Write down the age group in which the
following psychosocial characteristics and
behaviors are commonly developed. Use N
for neonate, Ifor infant, Tfor toddler, Pfor
preschooler, Sfor school-aged, and Afor
adolescent/young adult.

______ Is in oral stage (Freud); strives for
immediate gratification of needs;
strong sucking need
______ Developmental task of learning
appropriate sex’s social role
______ In Freud’s genital stage, libido
reemerges in mature form.
______ Is in anal stage (Freud); focus on
pleasure of sphincter control
______ Self-concept is being stabilized, with
peer group as greatest influence.
______ Develops trust (Erikson) if caregiver is
dependable to meet needs
______ Achieves personal independence;
develops conscience, morality, and
scale of values
______ Tries out different roles, personal
choices, and beliefs (identity versus
role confusion)
______Meets developmental tasks (Havighurst)
by learning to eat, walk, and talk
______ Develops skill in reading, writing, and
calculating, as well as concepts for
everyday living
______ More mature relationships with both
males and females of same age
______ Enters Erikson’s stage of autonomy
versus shame and doubt
______ Is in Erikson’s stage of initiative versus
______ Inner turmoil/examination of propriety
of actions by rigid conscience
______ Getting ready to read and learning to
distinguish right from wrong
______ One’s personal appearance accepted;
set of values internalized
______ Freud’s latency stage; strong identifica-
tion with own sex
______ Developmental tasks of learning to
control elimination; begins to learn sex
differences, concepts, language, and
right from wrong
______ Focuses on learning useful skills with
an emphasis on doing, succeeding, and

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