Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1


Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing:

12.A possible nursing diagnosisis a clinical
judgment that an individual, family, or com-
munity is more likely to develop the problem
than others in the same or similar situation.
True False

1.Place a check next to the nursing diagnoses
that are written correctly, and identify the
errors in the incorrect diagnoses on the lines
that follow.
a.______ High Risk for Injury related to
absence of restraints and side rails

b.______ Impaired Skin Integrity related to
mobility deficit

c.______ Grieving related to loss of breast

d.______ Self-Care Deficit: Bathing related to

e.______ Sleep Pattern Disturbance related to

f.______ Alteration in Nutrition: Less Than
Body Requirements related to loss of

g.______ Powerlessness related to poor family
support system

h.______ Anxiety: mild, related to changing

i.______ Ineffective Airway Clearance related
to 20-year smoking habit

j.______ Alteration in Bowel Elimination:
Constipation related to cancer of bowel

k.______ Nausea and Vomiting related to
medication side effects

l.______ Knowledge Deficit related to
noncompliance with diet

m.______ Alteration in Parenting related to
knowledge deficit: child growth and devel-
opment, discipline

n. ______ Pain related to discomfort in

o. ______ Impaired Physical Mobility: amputa-
tion of left leg related to gangrene

p. ______ Alteration in Nutrition: More Than
Body Requirements related to obesity

q. ______ Noncompliance related to unresolved

r. ______ Needs assistance walking to
bathroom: related to immobility

2.What questions would you ask a patient to
validate the following nursing diagnoses?
a.Altered Urinary Elimination:

b.Impaired Social Interaction:

c. Ineffective Individual Coping:

d.Sleep Pattern Disturbance:

3.Describe the appropriate nursing response to
each of the following basic conclusions after
interpreting and analyzing patient data.
a.No problem:

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