Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1


Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing:

8.Which of the following actions would be an
appropriate nursing action when evaluating a
patient’s responses to a plan of care?
a.Reinforce the plan of care when each
expected outcome is achieved.
b.Terminate the plan if there are difficulties
achieving the goals/outcomes.
c.Terminate the plan of care upon patient
d.Continue the plan of care if more time is
needed to achieve the goals/outcomes.

Multiple Response Questions
Circle the letters that correspond to the best
answers for each question.
1.Which of the following are physiologic goals?
(Select all that apply.)
a.By 4/6/12, the baby will demonstrate
adequate sleep–wakefulness patterns.
b.Before discharge, the parents of the baby
will verbalize decreased anxiety about tak-
ing care of a newborn.
c.By 4/6/12, the parents will list appropriate
resources in case questions arise after
d.By 4/6/12, the baby will show an adequate
comfort level indicating satisfactory
e.Before discharge, the baby will have reached
a target weight gain of 8 lb (birthweight:
7 lb, 6 oz).
f.Before discharge, the parents will
demonstrate confidence in bathing and
feeding their baby.
2.Which of the following statements accurately
describe the appropriate documentation of the
evaluation process? (Select all that apply.)
a.After the data have been collected to deter-
mine patient outcome achievement, the
nurse writes an evaluative statement to
summarize the findings.
b.The nurse writes a two-part evaluative state-
ment that includes a decision about how
well the outcome was met, along with
patient data that support the decision.

c.The nurse has three decision options for
how goals have been met.
d.The nurse determines whether a patient
goal has been met or not met. In each case,
the goal is discontinued.
e.The nurse does not increase the complexity
of a goal after it has been achieved to
prevent patient anxiety and distrust.
f.If a nurse writes a properly written goal, it
is not affected by patient, nurse, or health-
care variables.
3.Which of the following rules are recommended
by the Institute of Medicine’s Committee on
Quality of Health Care in America to redesign
and improve care? (Select all that apply.)
a.Care should be based on nursing needs and
b.The nurse should be the source of control
for patient care.
c.Care should include evidence-based decision
d.Customization of care should be based on
availability of resources.
e.Care should include shared knowledge and
the free flow of information.
f.The need for transparency and decrease in
waste affects patient care.
4.Which of the following are recommended
steps in performance improvement? (Select all
that apply.)
a.Discover a problem.
b.Plan a strategy using indicators.
c.Organize a task force to implement the
d.Assess the change.
e.If the goal is not met, discontinue efforts to
force change.
f.Use management to reduce resistance to
5.Which of the following statements accurately
describe the process of quality assurance in
nursing practice? (Select all that apply.)
a.Quality assurance programs are primarily
small programs conducted by nurses on
nursing units to improve nursing care.
b.Quality assurance programs enable the
nursing profession to be accountable to
society for the quality of nursing care.

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