NLP SECRETS: Upgrade Your Mind

(coco) #1

How to Induce Hypnosis

Here is a quick script you can read to your subject. It basically goes over the induction, you should
modify it to suit your subject and your surroundings. Read in a calm, clear voice.

Sit back and relax. Place your hands comfortably at your sides.

Allow my words to just wash over you as suggestions are placed you find yourself following them.
Everything here is safe and peaceful and as you feel your body becoming more and more relaxed you
find you can shift your relaxation to your eyes.

With your eyes alone, gently look upwards and as you notice your eyelids feeling slightly heavier, you
allow your body to sink down comfortably into the chair.

As your eyes slowly grow heavier, you can allow them to close. As you breathe, let your body numb
and relax deeper into the chair. As you feel your body relaxing, so it becomes more numb and eventu-
ally the comfortable relaxation drifts up into your shoulders. As you feel your legs wanting to let go, let
them go deep and relaxed into the chair, and your feet deflate deep into the floor.

The relaxation makes its way up your neck and as it does, a peaceful, warm electricity shoots tingles
down into your armpits and shoots down your arms into your fingers, as if warm sparks are dancing on
the tips of your fingers.

Allow the relaxed state to climb further up your neck and into your head, getting closer and closer to
the very centre of your consciousness. Allow your mind to go sleepier and sleepier until you are per-
fectly relaxed.

In your mind’s eye, imagine you’re standing at the top of a staircase of ten stairs, with a door at the
bottom of it. As we count down from ten, with each count you’ll take a step and become more and
more relaxed, blissfully deeper and deeper into this trance, ten.

As you feel your body becoming more and more relaxed you step down again, nine. Because your
body is feeling so relaxed right now it is almost impossible to perceive, eight.

As you begin to notice that your body is almost completely numb, you can now forget about your body
and step down seven. Deeper and deeper into the relaxed, peaceful, comfortable state, six.

The stairway becomes more and more vivid as you become more relaxed, five. As you descend your
inner staircase, you start to notice how the stairs may feel against your feet, four.

Deeper and deeper into this relaxed, super-comfortable trance, three. More and more comfortable,
more and more relaxed, two. Relaxed peaceful trance, one.

Open the door and your body goes to SLEEP and your mind wakes up.

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