NLP SECRETS: Upgrade Your Mind

(coco) #1

How to Gain Confidence

Confidence is one of those things that can help in every aspect of
your life, and can be gained or strengthened quite easily using NLP.
Confidence gained by way of NLP is just as powerful as confidence
gained through experience. Once this is understood, and you master
the ability to gain confidence through NLP, it becomes a snowballing
juggernaut of positivity.
Confidence is a relatively simple psychological tool that provides
great power, so why is it so hard for most people to achieve?
In my opinion, most of the blame can be attributed to the fact that
humans spend the first dozen years of their life actively attacking the
confidence of all around them. Some people stop this in their teens, others do this their whole lives.
This is because of the flawed human instinct that you can gain confidence yourself by destroying the
confidence of others. Luckily, this particular flaw can be turned around to work for us using NLP.

Take the picture above.

It’s a cat who confidently sees himself as a lion. When other cats see him, they don’t see a lion, they
see a cat. But the cat’s body language will show to all the other cats that he holds himself in high re-
gard, as if he were a lion.

The other cats will think that the lion cat is very sure of himself, and probably for a good reason. After
all, throughout the cat’s childhood, he must have been thoroughly “tested” by all the other kittens -
yet he has such confidence! No other cat will question this confidence, they will simply accept it.

How Confidence Works

Confidence works as a self-fuelling cycle, either for the positive or for the negative. That is why once
your confidence is damaged, it can be difficult to send it back on the right path. The following page
shows an example of a negative confidence cycle.

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