Game Design

(Elliott) #1

Chuck Yeager, 501, 515
Church, Doug, xvii, 383, 500-531
Civil War, 21, 27-30
Civilization, xxi, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25-27, 26 ,
33 , 37 , 118, 226, 236, 282, 373, 384, 387,
393, 408, 451, 460-461
end-game, 16-17
rush strategy, 118
Civilization II, 117 , 151
Civilization III, 243
Civilizationboard game, 25-26
classic arcade games, 51, 57-59, 144-145,
146 see alsoarcade games
characteristics of, 58-61
click-and-drag, 28-29, 134, 429
clone games, 2, 297, 321, 342-343
Close Combat, 153
closure moments, 521
Cmiral, Elia, 336
Cobb, Ron, 195
“code like hell,” 393
coin-op games, 95, 99, 102-103, 112-113,
coin-op market, 87, 96, 100-101, 102-103
vs. home market, 97, 103-104, 108,
111-112, 113
Cold War, 516
collaboration, 506
between designer and player, 427, 500
in game development/level creation, 474
in storytelling, 383-384
collaborative play, 253
Colonization, 192
color games, 93
comic books, 271, 334
Command & Conquer, 131, 140, 202,
203-204, 206, 208, 231, 297, 300
games, 200
success, 513-514, 523-524
viability, 278-280, 530
Commodore 64, 409
communal activities, 3-5
communication, 376
with development team, 75, 109, 291,
436, 473, 505-506
with player, 387-388, 417
community, online, 255, 413
comparisons of games, 358-359
competition in games, 243
competitive analysis document, 309

complex systems, 25, 116-117, 117-118
balancing, 270
tracking, 136
of game, 149-150
of programming tasks, 406
CompuServe, 413
computer games
vs. board games, 26
vs. video games, 263, 271
concept document, 308
concept sketches, 315
consistency, 8-9, 117, 312
console games, 134, 348-349, 451-452, 477,
controls in, 132-133
console market, 108
constellation, 168, 222
dramatic, 275
working with, 58
consumer games,seehome market
controls, 62, 83, 95, 100, 102, 103-104, 127,
131-136, 231, 303, 325, 329, 348-349,
352, 362, 479
click-and-drag, 28-29, 429
intuitive, 62, 131-134, 136, 387-388
learning, 129-130
mouse, 507
simplifying, 132-133, 248
testing, 490
conversations, 431, 515-516
branching, 314, 507
canned, 428
with NPCs, 46, 83, 213, 268, 301-302,
conversions, 97, 100-101, 103-104, 268,
310, 401
cooperative games, 242, 245-246, 251-252,
Coppola, Francis Ford, 533
copy protection, 186-187, 216
core game, 362
Cosmic Encounter, 238, 245
Counter-Strike, 241, 245
Covert Action, 20, 22-23, 23 ,24
Cranford, Michael, 533
Crash Bandicoot, 134, 137
Crawford, Chris, xvii, 71, 205, 257-280,
307, 384
creative freedom, 134, 177, 259
creativity of player, 116, 325, 414

680 Index

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