ofN(the set of positive integers). The Gramm-Schmidt procedure goes as follows. We start
with the first vector and normalize it,
| 1 〉=|u 1 〉/||u 1 || (3.8)
To construct the second vector| 2 〉of the orthonormal basis, we project|u 2 〉onto the space
perpendicular to| 1 〉, and normalize the resulting vector,
|v 2 〉=|u 2 〉−| 1 〉〈 1 |u 2 〉 | 2 〉=|v 2 〉/||v 2 || (3.9)
This process may be continued recursively as follows. Given the firstmorthonormal vectors
{| 1 〉,| 2 〉,···,|m〉}, one constructs|m+ 1〉by the same process,
|i〉〈i|um+1〉 |m+ 1〉=|vm+1〉/||vm+1|| (3.10)
When the dimension ofHis finite, this process terminates. Separability of the Hilbert space
Hin the infinite-dimensional case guarantees that even in this case, the process will converge.
3.1.3 Decomposition of an arbitrary vector
Therefore in any finite-dimensional or separable infinite dimensionalHilbert space, we may
decompose any vector|φ〉onto a countable orthonormal basis,
cn|n〉 (3.11)
wherecn are complex numbers given by〈n|φ〉. It is often convenient to leave the range
fornunspecified, so that we can simultaneously deal with the case of finite and infinite
dimensions. Since by definition of the Hermitian inner product, we have〈φ|n〉=〈n|φ〉∗, we
immediately see that the bra〈φ|dual to the ket|φ〉has the following decomposition,
c∗n〈n| (3.12)
while the norm is given by
||φ||^2 =〈φ|φ〉=
|cn|^2 (3.13)
In finite dimension, this norm is automatically finite for finite values ofcn, but this is not so
in infinite dimension. Vectors inHmust have finite norm; the requirement of completeness
is necessary to guarantee that sequences with finite norm indeed converge to a vector inH
with finite norm. In particular, completeness means that if||φ||<∞, then the sequence
cn|n〉 (3.14)
converges to|φ〉and may be used to approximate|φ〉to arbitrary precision asN grows.
More precisely, for anyǫ >0, there exists anN such that||φ−φN||< ǫ.