58 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS dharm M-therm/th2-2.pm5 = 10^5 × 20 × 0.0025 1 0.05 1 0.1 FHG − IKJ = 50000 Nm Work done on fluid ...
BASIC CONCEPTS OF THERMODYNAMICS 59 dharm M-therm/th2-2.pm5 Objective Type Questions Choose the Correct Answer : A definite are ...
60 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS dharm M-therm/th2-2.pm5 The unit of energy in SI units is (a) Joule (J) (b) Joule metre (Jm) (c) ...
BASIC CONCEPTS OF THERMODYNAMICS 61 dharm M-therm/th2-2.pm5 Theoretical Questions Define a thermodynamic system. Differentiate ...
62 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS dharm M-therm/th2-2.pm5 A gas having a volume of 0.05 m^3 and pressure of 6.9 bar expands reversi ...
3 Properties of Pure Substances 3.1. Definition of the pure substance. 3.2. Phase change of a pure substance. 3.3. p-T (pressure ...
64 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS Dharm \M-therm/th3-1.p65 —“Homogeneous in chemical aggregation” means that the chemical elements m ...
PROPERTIES OF PURE SUBSTANCES 65 Dharm \M-therm/th3-1.p65 Fig. 3.3 Fig. 3.4. Vapour pressure curve for water. For a pure substan ...
66 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS Dharm \M-therm/th3-1.p65 Sub lim ati on Vap oris atio nc ur ve Fu sio nc ur ve Triple point cur ve ...
PROPERTIES OF PURE SUBSTANCES 67 Dharm \M-therm/th3-1.p65 Table 3.1. Triple-point Data S. No. Substance Temp., K Pressure, mm Hg ...
68 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS Dharm \M-therm/th3-1.p65 C.P C.P C.P C.P v h s s p p T h C.P. = Critical point Th el iqu id sa tur ...
PROPERTIES OF PURE SUBSTANCES 69 Dharm \M-therm/th3-1.p65 Consider a cylinder fitted with a piston which can move freely upwards ...
70 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS Dharm \M-therm/th3-1.p65 superheated steam and it behaves like a perfect gas. This phase of steam ...
PROPERTIES OF PURE SUBSTANCES 71 Dharm \M-therm/th3-1.p65 Thus if in 1 kg of wet steam 0.9 kg is the dry steam and 0.1 kg water ...
72 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS Dharm \M-therm/th3-1.p65 Ts = Saturation temperature in K, Tsup = Temperature of superheated steam ...
PROPERTIES OF PURE SUBSTANCES 73 Dharm \M-therm/th3-1.p65 3.10. External Work Done During Evaporation When water is evaporated t ...
74 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS Dharm \M-therm/th3-1.p65 Integrating both sides, we get (^) s s 1 2 z^ ds = T T 1 2 z^ cpw^ dT T s ...
PROPERTIES OF PURE SUBSTANCES 75 Dharm \M-therm/th3-1.p65 = cps loge T Ts F sup HG I KJ. Total entropy of superheated steam abov ...
76 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS Dharm \M-therm/th3-1.p65 — A line of constant entropy between two state points 2 and 3 defines the ...
PROPERTIES OF PURE SUBSTANCES 77 Dharm \M-therm/th3-1.p65 (i)The pressure = 36.5 bar (or 3.65 MPa). (Ans.) (ii)The mass, m : Vol ...
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