SEO: Search Engine Optimization Bible

(Barré) #1
Link farms Web pages that contain only links to
other pages in an attempt to draw search crawler

List search The ability to search for multiple terms
by separating each term with a comma.

Manual bid management The practice of manag-
ing your keyword bids on your own, without the
assistance of software.

Mashup A web application that combines data
from more than one source.

Meta refresh An HTML meta element used to
specify a time interval (in seconds) after which
a web browser should automatically refresh the
current web page.

Meta tagging HTML elements used to provide
structured metadata about a web page.

Monitored directories Directories in which the
submissions are read by human editors, but are
rarely changed by those editors.

Multi-submission tool A submission tool that will
submit your web site to multiple search engines.

Natural language A language that is spoken, writ-
ten, or signed by humans for general-purpose com-
munication, as distinguished from formal languages
such as computer programming languages.

Negative keyword tool A keyword tool that sug-
gests keywords that you would not want included
with the key phrases you are searching for.

noframes tag An HTML tag that indicates the con-
tent of a framed web site, but ignores the frames.

Open directory project A directory that is popu-
lated by volunteers.

Opening tag An HTML tag indicating that a com-
mand is coming. The opening tag usually takes the
form of <b>.

Organic SEO Strictly speaking, SEO efforts that are
integrated with web-site design and do not require a
monetary investment.

Page jacking A way of spamming the index of a
search engine. It is achieved by creating a rogue copy
of a popular web site, which shows contents similar
to the original, to a web crawler, but redirects web
surfers to unrelated or malicious web sites.

Page saturation The number of pages that a search
engine recognizes for your web site.

Paid directory review A fee-based service in which
a web site is reviewed for a directory more quickly
than others. A paid review does not guarantee inclu-
sion or rank.

Paid-inclusion service A service that connects
search directories to consumers who will pay to
have their web site added to that directory.

Paid placement A method of improving search
engine ranking. The web-site owner pays a fee to
have a site listed in a search engine or directory, but
that fee does not guarantee the search engine rank-
ing for that site.

Post-search ads Advertisements that are served
to web-site users upon their exit from a web site,
based on the pages they looked at while navigating
through that site.

Primary search engines One of the big search
engines that are more general in nature.

Return on investment A mathematical calculation
that illustrates how much profit is made in return
for the investment that was made.

Robots Computer programs that visit a web site
based on links and other criteria set out by the
search engine algorithm.

Robots exclusion standard A file that tells robots,
or web crawlers, what not to look at while they’re
on your site.



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