SEO: Search Engine Optimization Bible

(Barré) #1
Robots meta tag A simple mechanism to indicate
to visiting web robots if a page should be indexed,
or if links on the page should be followed.

robots.txt The file that is used to tell robots and
crawlers what not to crawl on your site.

RSS feed A syndication feed that grabs news, blogs,
or other activities and presents the reader with up-to-
date content.

Scrape To copy web-site materials from another
web site in an effort to create a false web.

Scraper bot Software that crawls around the
Internet looking for content to steal.

Scraper site The web site where scraper content
is collected.

Search Algorithm A mathematical equation used
to define what words or phrases someone is looking
for and how the collected results should be returned
to them.

Search engine An application that indexes and
serves content to an Internet user who is looking
for something specific.

Search engine optimization (SEO) Improving
a web site in an attempt to attract search engine

Search engine results pages (SERPs) The pages
of results that are returned after an Internet user
searches for a specific word or topic.

Search engine spam The process by which some
people try to artificially influence the search engine
into indexing their site and ranking it higher in the

Search profiling A method by which marketers
can use the behaviors and actions of Internet users
to target other users with similar interests and

Search query The string of words and characters
used to perform a search engine search.

Secondary search engines Search engines that
are more targeted in nature than primary search
engines. These search engines are also smaller than
primary search engines.

Seeded The process of “loading” a search crawler
with URLs to examine.

Server-side include An easy server-side scripting
language used almost exclusively for the Web. As
its name implies, its primary use is including the
contents of one file in another, via a web server.

Server-side redirection A method of URL redirec-
tion using an HTTP status code issued by a web
server in response to a request for a particular URL.
The result is to redirect a user’s web browser to
another web page with a different URL.

Simple directories A basic web directory that
usually allows users to perform a search.

Site map A document that outlines where every
link leads. Also a document that’s included in the
HTML code for a web page that directs crawlers
where to go.

Site mirroring Including an exact duplicate of
a web site in another location, usually stored on
another server.

Social bookmarking A way for Internet users to
store, classify, share, and search Internet bookmarks.

Social-media optimization A set of methods for
generating publicity through social media, online
communities, and community web sites.

Social networks A social structure made of nodes
(which are generally individuals or organizations) that
are tied by one or more specific types of relations,
such as values, visions, ideas, financial exchanges,
friends, kinship, likes or dislikes, conflicts, trade,



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