(nextflipdebug2) #1
Key 11.11A-11.13E

9.8 The simple future, the future progressive,
the future perfect

9.8A Simple future 'I will work' and progressive
'I will be working' compared
Write 1 :
1 will be taking off('more polite') or will take off
(arrangement [> 9.7B])
2 will you be going (referring to future time) or will
you go (intention)
3 you will still be working here ('imagining')
4 They will be sailing (planned action) or will sail
(more definite)
5 The President will be meeting (planned action) or
will meet (more definite)
6 will you be staying (planned action) or will you stay
(more definite)
7 We will be driving (planned action) or will drive
8 will be writing (imagining)
9 will be circling (imagining)
10 will be seeing (referring to future time) or will see

Write 2:
1 will you be leaving 2 we'll be leaving
3 you'll arrive 4 we'll check in 5 we'll have
6 you'll be lying 7 I'll be doing 8 we won't be sitting

9.8B The future perfect simple and the future
perfect progressive tenses
1 will have completed 2 will/shall have been waiting
3 will/shall have been living/have lived 4 will/shall
have finished 5 will have left 6 will/shall have been
flying 7 will have completed 8 will have been
travelling/will have travelled

9.8C Context
1 will have built/will be building 2 will be circling/will
circle 3 (will) probably be circling/will probably circle
4 will have established/will be establishing
5 will have increased/will be increasing 6 will be
orbiting 7 will have 8 will stay/will be staying
9 will not be clearing up 10 will just be watching

9.9 'Going to' and other ways of expressing
the future

9.9A Uses of the 'going to'-future compared with
1 are we going to spend 2 We're going to run out of
3 I'll stop 4 We're going to get stuck 5 We'll (or
We're going to) have to walk 6 someone'll
7 It's going to rain 8 I'll wave 9 He's going to stop

9.9B 'am/is/are to', 'be about to', 'be due to'
1 are to 2 are to 3 are not to 4 is (just) about to
5 I'm (just) about to 6 is due to 7 not due to/isn't
due to

9.9C The future-in-the-past
Possible answers
1 was to 2 was going to 3 would 4 was about to
5 was due to

9.9D Context
Possible answers
1 are we to do 2 We are going to/are to deliver
3 I'll just check/'m just going to check 4 will be/is
5 are taking off/take off/are going to take off/will be
taking off 6 would be/was to be/was going to be
7 would/was going to break loose 8 I'll take over

9.10 The imperative

9.1 OA Some uses of the imperative to express
different functions
1 Do have 2 Do make 3 Do stop 4 Do hurry
5 Do try 6 Do help

9.1 OB The imperative to address particular people
Possible answers
I Enjoy yourself/yourselves 2 You try 3 You make/
Make ... Meg/Meg, you make 4 Somebody turn off/
Turn off... somebody 5 Nobody turn/Don't...
anybody/Don't anybody turn 6 You carry/Carry ...
John! 7 Everybody sit down/Sit down, everybody
8 Everybody have/Have ... everybody 9 Don't move
anybody/Nobody move!/Don't anybody move!
10 John, you/John, post/You ... John
II Don't anybody listen/Don't listen to her, anybody!/
Nobody listen to her! 12 Enjoy yourselves, children!

9.1 ОС The imperative with question tags
Possible answers
1 Stop whistling, will you? 2 Do something useful,
can't you? 3 Stop asking questions, won't you?
4 Post this letter, could you? 5 Hold this bag, would
you? 6 Get me some stamps, can you? 7 Come in,
won't you? 8 Take a seat, will you?

9.1 OD Double imperatives joined by 'and'
Possible answers
1 Come and see us soon.
2 Try and lift it./Try to lift it.
3 Sit here and wait until the doctor is ready.
4 Wait and see what will happen.

9.10E Context
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