Body Language

(WallPaper) #1
The fig leaf: Men hold hands with themselves in a barrier position to
make themselves feel secure. Covering their ‘crown jewels’ they subcon-
sciously protect themselves from a potential full frontal attack (see
Figure 8-2). Look at the line-up of soccer players during a penalty kick
and see where they place their hands and arms.

The next time you see someone who’s feeling lonely, dejected, or in any way
vulnerable, notice how he positions his hands. You see that he holds his
hands in the fig-leaf position in an attempt to create feelings of comfort and

Placing objects in front of yourself ..................................................

By placing a coffee cup, a clipboard, or any other object between yourself
and another person, you are setting up a protective barrier. These barriers
are a subconscious effort to conceal any nervousness or insecurity you may
be experiencing, whether you’re aware of the feeling or not.

During a role play with a client in which she had to enter her boss’s office, sit
across the table from him, and make a recommendation that she knew he
wouldn’t like, Lynne clutched a pad of paper in front of her, clasping it tightly
to her chest. Although she said that she had to carry the pad for taking

Figure 8-2:
The fig leaf
makes a
person feel

130 Part III: The Trunk: Limbs and Roots

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