Body Language

(WallPaper) #1
Highly decorated frames that make a fashion statement are not taken seri-
ously in a business environment. Glasses with oversized lenses, such as
those favoured by Elton John in his early days, overly decorated, coloured
frames, or any frame that has rhinestone-encrusted branding, says that
you’re more interested in fashion than business. In an office environment
such glasses can quickly and drastically reduce your credibility.

Frameless glasses, or those with thin, spindly frames, hold less authority
than heavier framed glasses. Because they make the wearer appear more
accessible than heavy frames, frameless versions may be preferable for
social situations, or when you want to portray a ‘good guy’ image. Wear your
heavier frames when you’re presenting the year-end financial results, when
looking serious, knowledgeable, and in control is important.

Contact lenses make the pupils of your eyes appear large and appealing, moist,
and dilated. Your eyes look softer and more sensual, which, although appropri-
ate for a social situation, may not be appropriate in a business context.

The perception of women who wear both glasses and make-up (discussed in
the later section ‘Making It Up as You Go Along’) is that they’re smart, self-
assured, urbane, and outgoing.

Holy Smokes .................................................................................................

Despite health warnings and government bans on smoking in public places
you can still find puffers hanging outside office blocks and night clubs as well
as walking along the streets, and driving in their cars. And whatever your
views about smoking, understanding the signals that people send by the way
they smoke is useful. Smoking gestures follow a predictable pattern. Gestures
associated with smoking vary from the way people open the pack, to how
they inhale and exhale, and to the way they flick the ash off the end of the
cigarette and stub it out. What tells an onlooker about the smoker’s attitude
and state of mind is not the ritual itself, but how it’s being performed.

Smoking and sexual displays ...........................................................

The act of smoking is highly sexual in nature. The similarities between sex
and smoking are most dominantly displayed in the sucking action. In addi-
tion, the actions of preparing for having a smoke and having sex can be com-
pared in terms of foreplay. The person smoking a cigarette reaches for the
pack, takes out the cigarette, lights it, inhales, and then releases the smoke.
The person having sex reaches for her partner, unbuttons his shirt, fondles
and kisses him, and you can figure out the rest.

184 Part III: The Trunk: Limbs and Roots

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