Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



Document Information Panel dialog box, 151
Document Inspector dialog box, 646–647
Document Properties panel, 911
document theme
applying, 137
customizing, 138–139
overview, 135–136
Sparkline graphics color, 508
DOLLAR function, 236, 932
DOLLARDE function, 923
DOLLARFR function, 923
Don’t Keep Change History button, Share Workbook dialog
box, 632
Don’t Move or Size with Cells option, 520
Don’t Update option, 592
Double data type, 901
double-clicking charts, 415
“double-spaced” effect, 67
doughnut charts, 429–430
doughnut charts.xlsx sample file, 938
Down arrow key, 10
DPRODUCT function, 920
Draft Mode indicator, 440
draft versions, 149
drag-and-drop method
versus cut and paste method, 81–82
multiple windows, 60
noncontiguous ranges, 72
Draw Border command, 128
Draw Border Grid command, 128
draw layer, 5
Drawing Tools contextual menu, WordArt, 530
Drawing Tools tab, Equation Editor, 536
drawings. See pictures and drawings
drop-down lists, data validation feature, 573
DSTDEV function, 920
DSTDEVP function, 920
DSUM function, 282, 920
duplicate rows, 109
Duplicate values conditional formatting rule, 482
DURATION function, 923
DVAR function, 920
DVARP function, 920
dynamic chart, 405
dynamic consolidation, 600
dynamic model, 745
dynamic ranges, Sparkline graphics, 514–515
dynamic updating, consolidation, 598

Developer tab
displaying, 796–797
Ribbon, 11
DEVSQ function, 282, 929
DGET function, 920
dialog box launcher, 15
dialog boxes
navigating, 19–20
tabbed, 20–21
Different First Page check box, 187
Different Odd & Even Pages check box, 187
digital IDs, 647
digital signatures, 646–648
Dim statement, 902
direct cell dependent, 663
direct cell precedent, 663
direct mail.xlsx sample file, 940
Disable All Macros with Notification option, Trust Center
dialog box, 797
disabling Mini toolbar, 118
DISC function, 923
Discrete distribution option, Random Number Generation
dialog box, 790
Display Options for This Workbook section, 174, 519
display preferences, files, 147
Display Unit as Millions settings, 451
Display Units settings, 451
current time, 272–273
data tables, 468–469
icons in cells, 490
image inside comment, 95
Open dialog box, 143
Page Setup dialog box, 653
scenarios, 757
time, 273
UserForms, 846
Win/Loss Sparkline goal achievement, 511
Distributed horizontal alignment option, Format Cells dialog
box, 123
Distributed vertical alignment option, Format Cells dialog
box, 124
Distribution drop-down list, Random Number Generation
dialog box, 790
#DIV/0! error, 219, 653–654
dividends, 778
DMAX function, 920
DMIN function, 920

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