Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



BeforeClose, 879
BeforeSave, 878–879
NewSheet, 878
Open, 876–877
SheetActivate, 878
BeforeRightClick, 883
Change, 880
monitoring specific range for changes, 881
SelectionChange, 882–883
Evolutionary tab, Solver Options dialog box, 770
EXACT function, 234, 932
Excel Options dialog box
adding comments to cells, 94–95
Advanced tab, 36–38, 52, 439, 519, 806
Automatically Insert a Decimal Point check box, 38
Customize Ribbon tab, 548
Formulas tab, 665–666
Language tab, 127
Quick Access Toolbar section, 18
Reset button, 547
Reset Ignored Errors button, 666
Save Files in This Format option, 148
Selection option, 118
Set Precision as Displayed check box, 659
Set Precision as Displayed option, 551
Show Mini Toolbar on Selection option, 17
Transition Navigation Keys option, 949
Excel shortcut keys. See shortcut keys
EXP function, 927
expanding multicell arrays, 365–366
exploded view, pie chart, 425
EXPONDIST function, 918
EXPON.DIST function, 929
exponential smoothing tool, Analysis ToolPak add-in, 786
Export All Customization option, 546
exporting graphic objects, 525
Extended Date Functions add-in, 256
external cell references, 590
External Data Properties dialog box, 688–689
External Data Range Properties dialog box, 612–613
external database file data
data returned by Query
adjusting external data range properties, 688–689
changing, 690
deleting, 690
refreshing, 689–690
importing Access tables, 679–680
overview, 677–678

errors (continued)
in formulas
#DIV/0! errors, 653–654
#N/A errors, 654–655
#NAME? errors, 655
#NULL! errors, 655
#NUM! errors, 655
#REF! errors, 656
#VALUE! errors, 656
absolute/relative reference problems, 657
actual versus displayed values, 658–659
blank cells not blank, 651–652
colors, 656
extra space characters, 652
floating point number errors, 659–660
formulas are not calculated, 658
hash mark filled cells, 651
mismatched parentheses, 650–651
operator precedence problems, 657–658
overview, 649–650
“phantom link” errors, 660
returning errors, 653
overview, 219
in ranges, 286
replacing information, 670
searching for formatting, 670–671
searching for information, 669–670
spell checking worksheets, 671–672
summing ranges containing, 379–380
tools for
background error-checking feature, 665–667
fixing circular reference errors, 665
Formula Evaluator feature, 667–668
identifying cells of particular type, 661–662
tracing cell relationships, 663–665
tracing error values, 665
viewing formulas, 662–663
ERROR.TYPE function, 925
Euro Currency Tools, 905
Evaluate button, Evaluate Formula dialog box, 668
Evaluate Formula dialog box, 390, 667
EVEN function, 927
defined, 846
entering event-handler VBA code, 874–875
non-object events
OnKey, 884–885
OnTime, 883–884
not associated with objects, 873

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