Web sites
contextures, 948
daily dose of Excel, 948
David McRitchie’s Excel Pages, 948
Jon Peltier’s Excel Page, 948
Mr. Excel, 948
Pearson Software Consulting, 948
Pointy Haired Dilbert, 948
spreadsheet page, 947
Internet Explorer (IE), 609
intersection operator, 224
Interval between Labels setting, 453–454
INTRATE function, 923
investment calculations
future value of series of deposits, 348–350
future value of single deposit
compound interest, 344–346
interest with continuous compounding, 346–348
simple interest, 343–344
investment calculations.xlsx sample file, 937
investment portfolio, optimizing, 778–779
investment portfolio.xlsx sample file, 941
invisible digital signature, 647
IPMT function, 332, 923
IrfanView, 531
IRM (Information Rights Management), 638
IRR function, 655, 923
irregular payment, calculating, 341–343
irregular payments.xlsx sample file, 937
ISBLANK function, 925
ISERR function, 286, 925
ISERROR function, 286, 925
ISEVEN function, 925
ISLOGICAL function, 925
ISNA function, 286, 925
ISNONTEXT function, 285, 925
ISNUMBER function, 925
ISO.CEILING function, 927
ISODD function, 925
ISPMT function, 923
ISREF function, 925
ISTEXT function, 925
item, pivot table, 705
Iterations option, Solver Options dialog box, 771
Jelen, Bill, 948
jogging log.xlsx sample file, 936
Insert Function dialog box
custom functions, 834–835
overview, 202
Search for a Function field, 207
tips, 208
Insert Hyperlink dialog box, 610
Insert Hyperlinks option, Protect Sheet dialog box, 640
Insert Picture dialog box, 532
Insert Rows option, Protect Sheet dialog box, 640
Insert Shapes command, 6–7, 521
Insert shortcut menu, 106
Insert tab, Ribbon, 11
Insert Worksheet control, 54
custom worksheet functions, 834–836
rows and columns, 65–66
WordArt graphic on worksheet, 530
Inspect Document command, Info pane, 155
inspecting workbook, 646
add-ins, 913
Analysis ToolPak add-in, 298, 782
Solver add-in, 765
INT function, 927
Integer data type, 901
generating arrays of, 370–371
summing digits of, 386–387
IntegralHeight property
ListBox control, 869
TextBox control, 871
INTERCEPT function, 930
interest, calculating, 343–348
interest rate, 330
interface. See user interface
intermediary links, 597
backup site, 157
HTML, 605, 607, 609
hyperlinks, 610–611
accessing by newsreaders, 945
accessing by Web browsers, 945–946
searching, 946–947
Web formats
creating HTML files, 607
creating single file web pages, 607–609
overview, 606
Web queries, 612–613
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