Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



result_vector argument, LOOKUP function, 315
returning errors, 653
reverse pivot table, 731
reverse pivot.xlsm sample file, 940
reversing actions, 19
reversing order of cells, 395–396
Review tab, Ribbon, 11
RGB components, chart, 430–432
Ribbon feature
Accounting Number Format button, 553
active chart sheets, 406
charts, 442
Comma Style button, 553
copying ranges, 79–80
customizing, 5, 546–549
Decrease Decimal button, 553
Home tab, 120
accessing using keyboard, 15–16
command types, 13–15
contextual tabs, 13
tabs, 11–12
number formatting, 552–553
overview, 6–7
spinner control, 14–16
Right arrow key, 10
RIGHT function, 240–241, 932
Right horizontal alignment option, Format Cells dialog box, 123
Rights Management Services (RMS), 638
ripple effect, 219
ROMAN function, 928
Shapes, 523
text, 126
ROUND function
defined, 48
floating point number errors, 659
function of, 928
rounding time values, 279
ROUNDDOWN function, 928
ROUNDUP function, 928
Row Differences option, Go to Special dialog box, 75
ROW function
displaying alternate-row shading, 497–498
function of, 926
generating array of consecutive integers, 370
Row Input Cell field, Data Table dialog box, 750
row labels, pivot table, 705
Row numbers, 6–7

region3.xlsx sample file, 940
regional settings, data and time, 251
Regression dialog box, 791
Regression tool, Analysis ToolPak add-in, 790–791
relational database, 678, 691
relative cell reference, 574
relative comparisons, 417
relative references
formulas and functions, 210–212
problems, 657
Remove Duplicates dialog box, 109
Quick Access toolbar icons, 545
titles from names, 247
Rename button, Ribbon, 549
Repeat button, Quick Access toolbar, 18
repeating characters, 236–237, 568
REPLACE function, 241–242, 932
Replace tab, Find and Replace dialog box, 670
Replace Text as You Type option, AutoCorrect dialog box,
40, 673
cell contents, 35
within strings, 242–243
text with other text, 241–242
report production, pivot tables, 742–743
Reports section, Solver Results dialog box, 769
REPT function, 236–237, 932
Reset button, Excel Options dialog box, 547
Reset Ignored Errors button, Excel Options dialog box, 666
Reset Only Selected Ribbon Tab option, 547
Reset to Match Style option, 416
chart formatting, 443
custom template default settings, 168
Quick Access toolbar icons, 545
reshaping, Shape images, 523–524
Residuals option, Regression dialog box, 791
charts, 414
Name Manager dialog box, 93
Open dialog box, 144
Plot Area, 444
windows, 51
resource allocation, Solver tool, 776–777
Rest All Customizations option, 547
Restore (Maximize) button, 50
Restrict Permission by People option, Info pane, 155
result cells, 759
result set, 678

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