reading comments, cells, 96
ReadMe file, 942
read-only permission, 628
read-only property, 815–816
Read-Only Recommended check box, General Options dialog
box, 643
real estate table.xlsx sample file, 935
Quick Access toolbar icons, 545
worksheets, 56–57
RECEIVED function, 924
Recent Workbooks list, 143
Record Macro dialog box, 802–803, 809
recording VBA macros
absolute versus relative, 808–809
assigning to buttons, 810–811
assigning to shortcut keys, 810
basics, 802–803
editing, 805
examining, 804–805, 806–807
example of, 803, 806
re-recording, 807–808
running, 806
storing in Personal Macro Workbook, 809–810
testing, 805, 808
adding in external database tables, 693
defined, 678
Recover Draft Versions command, 149, 156
unsaved work, 149–150
versions of current workbooks, 149
Redo tool, Quick Access toolbar, 542
#REF! error value, 219, 656
RefEdit control, 844
reference lines, faking, 510–512
reference operators, range, 225
Reference text box, Consolidate dialog box, 600
cells within pivot tables, 733–735
data in tables, 217–218
Refers To field, New Name dialog box, 91, 212, 224
consolidating worksheets, 604
defined, 678
pivot table, 705
queries, 689–690
Web query, 612
region1.xlsx sample file, 939
region2.xlsx sample file, 939
ranges (continued)
counting error values in, 380–381
determining whether contains valid values, 386
displaying calendar, 398–399
finding row of value’s nth occurrence, 385
intersections, 224–226
looping through, 891–893
Create Names from Selection dialog box, 91–92
creating names, 90–92
managing, 92–94
Name box, 91
New Name dialog box, 90–91
overview, 89–90
pasting into formulas, 205–206
outline dragging, charts, 457–458
picture effects, 534
returning lists of unique items, 396–398
returning locations of maximum values, 384–385
returning longest text, 385
returning nonblank cells from, 394–395
sorting dynamically, 396
summing smallest values in, 372–373
summing the n largest values in, 381
versus table, 101
using references instead of arrays, 376–377
VBA macros
copying ranges, 888–889
copying variable-size ranges, 889
counting selected cells, 895–896
determining type of selections, 893–894
identifying multiple selections, 895
looping through ranges, 891–893
moving ranges, 891
overview, 887–888
prompting for cell values, 893
selecting rows or columns, 890–891
selecting to end of rows or columns, 890
Rank and Percentile tool, Analysis ToolPak add-in, 790
RANK function
function of, 919
overview, 392–393
RANK.AVG function, 931
RANK.EQ function, 931
RATE function
#NUM! error, 655
calculating loan information, 332
function of, 924
rate function argument, 331
Read Only option, File in Use dialog box, 629
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