applying, 137
customizing, 138–139
overview, 135–136
thermometer charts, 472–473
thermometer chart.xlsx sample file, 938
thousands, number formatting, 560–561
three products.xlsx sample file, 941
3 × 4 array constant, 361–362
3-D area chart, 428
3-D charts, 464–465
3-D clustered column chart, 421
3-D data point, surface chart, 432
3-D line chart, 423
three-dimensional range, 72
three-part header, 186
tilde (~) character, 78, 242
Time category, 254
Time format category, 554
Time format, Format Cells dialog box, 46–47
TIME function, 921
time functions
adding hours, minutes, or seconds to a time, 278
calculating the difference between times, 274–275
converting decimal hours, minutes, or seconds to a time,
converting from military time, 277
displaying any time, 273
displaying current time, 272–273
non–time-of-day values, 279–280
rounding time values, 279
summing times that exceed 24 hours, 275–277
Time option, Data Validation dialog box, 571
time sheet.xlsm sample file, 936
time values
entering and editing, 34
of money, 329–330
rounding, 279
data entering, 42
grouping in pivot tables, 722
number formatting, 566
TimeStamp procedure, 807–808
TIMEVALUE function, 272–273, 884, 921
TINV function, 919
T.INV function, 931
T.INV.2T function, 931
title bar, Excel window, 6, 8
title element
InputBox function, 838
MsgBox function, 839
Text format, Format Cells dialog box, 46–47
text formulas
changing case of text, 239–240
character codes, 231–233
characters in strings, 239
number of words, 248
occurrences of substrings in cells, 243–244
specific characters in cells, 243
histograms, 237–238
ordinal numbers, 247–248
determining identical strings, 233–234
formatted currency values as text, 236
formatted values as text, 235–236
all but first word of strings, 245
characters from strings, 240–241
filename from path specification, 244
first word of strings, 244
last word of strings, 244–245
names, 245–247
joining cells, 234–235
overview, 229–230
padding numbers, 238–239
excess spaces and nonprinting characters, 239
titles from names, 247
repeating characters or strings, 236–237
replacing text with other text, 241–242
searching and replacing within strings, 242–243
what is considered text, 229–230
TEXT function
displaying formatted values as text, 235–236
formatting numbers, 567
function of, 932
text functions. See text formulas
text histogram.xlsx sample file, 936
Text Length option, Data Validation dialog box, 572
text string
defined, 229
splitting without using formulas, 247
TextAlign property, 872
TextBox control, ActiveX, 844, 861, 871–872
Texture Fill option, Format dialog box, 470
Thanksgiving Day, date functions, 271
The Changes Being Saved Win option, Share Workbook
dialog box, 633
theme examples.xlsx sample file, 936
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