Two-sample assuming unequal variances t-Test, 792
two-way data tables, 340–341
two-way lookup, 323–326
TYPE function, 925
type function argument, 331
Type Your Text Here window, SmartArt, 527
Undo command, Quick Access toolbar, 18–19
Undo tool
pasting, 79
Quick Access toolbar, 542
Unformatted Text paste option, Paste Special dialog box, 619
Unformatted Unicode Text paste option, Paste Special dialog
box, 619
Unfreeze Panes option, 63
Unhide dialog box, 58
columns, 67
rows, 67
worksheets, 57–58
Uniform distribution option, Random Number Generation
dialog box, 790
unique values, counting formulas, 293–294
cells, 639–640
nonformula cells, 169
Unmerge Cells option, 125
Unprotect Workbook option, 643–644
Up arrow key, 10
up-bars, 434–435
Update Changes settings, Share Workbook dialog box, 632
Update Now button, Links dialog box, 621–622
Update Values dialog box, 592
changes when sharing workbooks, 632
links, 594–595
Sparklines, 513
UPPER function, 239, 932
U.S. English language date format, 249
USB drive, 157
Use AutoFilter option, Protect Sheet dialog box, 640
Use Automatic Scaling option, Solver Options dialog box, 771
Use Labels In check boxes, Consolidate dialog box, 601
Use PivotTable Reports option, Protect Sheet dialog box, 640
Use Relative References control, 809
Usenet, 945
user interface
creating for add-in macros, 912–913
customizations, 546
charts, 445–446
removing from names, 247
TODAY function, 258–259, 829, 921
ActiveX control, 872
Ribbon, 14
ToggleButton control, 844, 861
Tool Tabs, Ribbon, 548
Toolbox controls, 844
Tools control, Equation Editor, 536
Top Bottom Rules command, Conditional Formatting drop-
down list, 483
“top n” values, formulas, 302
Top property, 864
Top Row check box, Consolidate dialog box, 602
Top vertical alignment option, Format Cells dialog box, 124
Total Row feature, tables, 107–109
tracking workbook changes
reviewing, 635
turning track changes on and off, 633–635
TRANPOSE function, 390
Transition Navigation Keys option, Excel Options dialog
box, 949
Transpose (T) option, Paste Special dialog box, 86, 89
TRANSPOSE function
arrays, 363
function of, 926
transposing arrays, 369–370
arrays, 369–370
ranges, Paste Special dialog box, 89
TREND function, 371, 931
trendlines, charts, 463–464
trial and error method, 455
TRIM function, 239, 652, 932
TRIMMEAN function, 931
troubleshooting, 942
TRUE function, 925
TRUNC function, 928
Trust Center dialog box, 797
TTEST function, 919
T.TEST function, 931
t-Test tool, Analysis ToolPak add-in, 792
Tufte, Edward, 505
two-dimensional array, 355, 361–362
Two-factor with replication analysis of variance, 784
Two-factor without replication analysis of variance, 784
two-input data tables, 750–753
Two-sample assuming equal variances t-Test, 792
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