Chapter 21: Creating Sparkline Graphics
FIGURE 21.13
After specifying a date axis, the Sparkline shows the values accurately.
Auto-Updating Sparklines
If a Sparkline uses data in a normal range of cells, adding new data to the beginning or end of the
range does not force the Sparkline to use the new data. You need to use the Edit Sparklines dialog
box to update the data range (choose Sparkline Tools ➪ Design ➪ Sparkline ➪ Edit Data). But, if
the Sparkline data is in a column within a table (created by using Insert ➪ Tables ➪ Table), then
the Sparkline will use new data that’s added to the end of the table.
Figure 21.14 shows an example. The Sparkline was created using the data in the Rate column of
the table. When you add the new rate for September, the Sparkline will automatically update its
Data Range.
FIGURE 21.14
Creating a Sparkline from data in a table.