Chests and Cabinets - Fine Woodworking
W Chests and Cabinets Editors of Fine Woodworking ...
W Chests and Cabinets Editors of Fine Woodworking T ...
Text © 2014 by The Taunton Press, Inc. Photographs © 2014 by The Taunton Press, Inc. Illustrations © 2014 by The Taunton Press, ...
Acknowledgments special thanks to the authors, editors, art directors, copy editors, and other staff members of Fine Woodworking ...
contents Introduction 3 Part oNe Chests and Cupboards shaker Blanket chest^4 hickory and Ash Blanket chest^14 shaker chest of d ...
-^ sleek Tv^ console^100 A Low console for home Theater^110 Part three Wall Cabinets Wall cabinet in cherry^118 A Better Way ...
3 Introduction o ne of the best things about Fine Woodworking magazine is the array of furniture projects we offer. From simple ...
4 Charles Durfee Shaker Blanket Chest T he earliest storage chests were simple boxes made of six boards. As they evolved, a base ...
6 CHESTS AND CUPBOARDS Dovetailed Blanket Chest with a Drawer Because of the drawer, the front corners have fewer dovetails than ...
Shaker blanket cheSt 7 top-MoLding detaiL The molding consists of a half- round and a cove glued together and attached to the ch ...
8 CHESTS AND CUPBOARDS The grooves need to be stopped before the ends and carefully aligned from the top so that all four groove ...
Shaker blanket cheSt 9 method of cutting them and stick with it. If you use a router setup, make sure the jig can handle the lon ...
10 CHESTS AND CUPBOARDS When Things Go Wrong With Your Dovetails Hand-cut dovetails should not be perfect and indeed rarely will ...
Shaker blanket cheSt 11 Dry-fit the carcase before final assembly When dry-fitting the case parts, push the joints together as m ...
12 CHESTS AND CUPBOARDS Conceal the end grain with trim pieces With the carcase assembled, cut a notch in the base frame at each ...
Shaker blanket cheSt 13 Build the base and the top before attaching the molding On this chest, the base runs around all four sid ...
14 peter turner hickory and Ash Blanket Chest W hen thumbing through furniture books, I find myself drawn to long, low chests, s ...
hiCkory anD ash blanket Chest 15 assemblies lean into the angle on the end as- semblies, so the tops of all the long top rails w ...
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