Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1

Chapter 6: Attitude and Composure

"The past doesn't equal the future."

  • Tony Robbins

To start, let me give you a principle to follow:

Make the best of your looks and money, but your personality is the most
powerful quality you can improve. Make the most of it.

The Attitude

Just like any other complex skill, ―The Attitude‖ can't be beamed into your
head. It has to be learned and only experience is the teacher.

As a hint, remember ―The Attitude‖ is the charm, balls, and cool confidence
to have a women get annoyed and frustrated when first meeting you and for
you to just smile and say, "I think she likes me."

Where is your frame of reference? Whose reality do you live in? Yours or
hers? Her reality is the place where her needs dominate and Wussbags try to
please her by kissing up to her. In her reality, she has the power, and she
decides whether she wants you around.

In your reality, your needs come first and you may decide to let her spend
some time in your reality—but ultimately you have control. In your reality, you
have the burden of making the decisions but this is one thing you can do for
her which she‘ll appreciate without making it look like you need her more than
she needs you.

I think it‘s important to let girls know that you have a life, that you're
busy, and that you put yourself before them. This makes them want to be
around you. It makes them want to do things to make you happy and please

Why Women Date Bartenders and Other Players

Why do attractive women date bartenders and other high profile player
types? Because such men have an ―untouchable‖ attitude that challenges
women to see if they can be that special girl to capture his attention.
Secretly, the woman wants to be worth so much to him that the bad boy is
tamed to stay with her.

Humans tend to mate with partners who they perceive as being ―on their
level‖ in one way or another. We learn what our level is based on how others
treat us and then settle for the best we think we deserve. But it‘s possible to

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