Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1

of a woman over a man who does have these things, but doesn't have the
personality and qualities that are naturally and genetically attractive to

I don't think that most guys understand that a woman can want to be
around them ―just for them‖... in other words, that she'll want to be with him,
spend time with him, enjoy having sex with him, etc. Most guys are also
surprised that a woman will actually do the pursuing if the situation is
desirable for her.

I wrote this book to get you over the idea that kissing up to a woman,
giving away your power, accepting her manipulative behavior, buying her
things, pursuing her, acting apologetic, and all the other traditional ideas
aren't the answer.

The answer lies in learning how to make a woman feel ATTRACTION...

When you can create that emotion inside of a woman, she'll want you just
because she loves how she feels when she's with you.

Just as importantly, she‘ll want you because she DOESN'T like how she
feels when she's NOT around you.

Seducing Women Feels Manipulative

The ―pick up chicks‖ books and ideas I tried when I was starting out
learning how to be successful with women didn‘t work very well, and often just
felt wrong.

Compared with many of these other things, my stuff ―feels right‖. I show
guys how to get in touch with their inner attractiveness, how to be smooth and
be a gentleman instead of being sneaky and being a jerk.

I don‘t have any hang-ups or negative moralistic views of sex... I think that
safe sex is a beautiful and healthy thing. I‘m loyal, but I see nothing wrong
with dating whoever you want when you‘re single.

It‘s a challenge to help a person who ―doesn‘t get it‖ in a certain area of
life to get to a place where they do ―get it‖. It‘s a challenge that not many
people undertake. Many people will just explain some techniques or maybe
only a principle. But to take a person who doesn‘t have a real frame of
reference for
something, like success with women, and get them to where they're willing to
accept a completely new way of looking at things is never easy.

For instance, I‘ve realized that teasing and playing hard to get with a
woman often gives her what she REALLY wants – it‘s often what will make her
feel a REAL gut-level attraction for a man. It‘s not an easy theory to get

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