likes me as a friend." They want to know what to do in order to make the
woman feel attracted to them as a lover.
Since most of us can probably relate, I'm going to tell you a different way
to approach this topic ... I believe that there are certain things that make
women feel ATTRACTED to men and other things that make them feel only
AFFECTION toward men.
Affection vs. Attraction
You see, most guys have a big misconception—they don‘t realize there‘s a
difference between affection and ATTRACTION, and they‘re creating affection
when they want ATTRACTION. Guys who often get ̳friended‘ read signs of
affection as possible attraction, get full of hope, and think she‘ll realize she‘s
got exactly what she wants in them as her ̳friend‘.
Attraction is what women feel for bad boys. Affection is what women feel
for male friends and guys who take them out for so long that they ―fall for
You can‘t get to attraction through the affection of being a ―nice‖ guy who
buys gifts and dinner. Women say, ―I like him as a friend,‖ even about guys
who would be a perfect match for what they say they want from a man.
There are two types of relationships: Friends and Lovers. Friend
relationships are nice, but predictable, have no spark, and are sexually blah.
Lover relationships are emotional and passionate with lots of attraction and
sexual chemistry.
The truth is that they want something more exciting than what they say
they want. If you ask a woman who has a history of dating jerks and abusive
guys, all you have to do is say, ―Yea, but I‘ll bet the sex was great, wasn‘t it?‖
and you‘ll see the knowing smile.
Affection‘s EXPECTED, Attraction‘s EXCITING
My discovering and mastering this material eventually led to dating one of
most beautiful, intelligent, emotionally stable, and fun girls I‘d ever met. As a
model, she got hit on all the time, and she once revealed an unexpected
insight to me:
She and all attractive women in general, are constantly predicting what a
guy‘s going to do from moment to moment. They‘re thinking, ―OK, he‘s
probably going to call right away.‖ And as a result, they discount predictable
behavior as boring, such as guys saying, ̳Ohhh, I reallllly like you...‘ and
calling all the time.