Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1

You have to buy into this idea that attraction doesn‘t abide by any of the
rules for correct social behavior, and it doesn‘t care if you‘re a nice guy who‘s
honest and loves his mom. Attraction needs to be viewed as a process that
keeps you from screwing up your choice of mate. It gets you to mate with
genes that will produce offspring that will survive well-enough to mate

So you have to get past the ideas of good, right, nice, socially acceptable,
should, and ought in order to get into what actually gets results in the real

Remember: Attraction Isn‘t A Choice

Let me ask you... when you see an attractive woman, do you say to
yourself "Hmm, she looks like an intelligent, beautiful woman. I think I'm
going to turn on my attraction mechanism and feel attracted to her‖???

Heck no.

You feel attracted to her in your gut... you feel the attraction, THEN think
about it. And even if you have known someone for awhile, and you begin to
feel that attraction after knowing her for awhile, it always happens before you
"realize" that you're attracted. Well, the same thing happens inside of women.
And they don't control it.

It‘s VERY important to create ATTRACTION from the beginning and don‘t
concern yourself with the things that lead to affection.

Adapting Wuss Behavior Into Attractive Behavior

Translating Between Affection and Attraction

Here‘s 7 behaviors that create affection, and their attraction-creating

Affection-Behavior Attraction-Behavior

 Buying Gifts (Dinner, Flowers) Surprise Romance

 Seeking Approval Indifference

 Showing Off Being Vague, Elusive, Mysterious

 Listening to Problems Teasing

 Doing Favors Acting with Self-Respect
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