Be Mysterious
So this means you should answer questions that would reveal your
approval ambiguously. , e.g. if she asks, ―Will you be my valentine?‖ you
answer, ―We‘ll see who offers to pay me the most....‖ All questions about your
feelings for her, e.g. ―Did you miss me?‖ or ―Who was the most beautiful girl
you dated?‖, are tests to see if she‘s won you yet and at the same time are
also opportunities for you to create mystery and curiosity.
Curiosity is great.... It will really amplify a woman‘s attraction to you, and
can easily turn a situation around so that she‘s pursuing you—even if her
curiosity is about something unimportant like your age... Withholding that
trivial information not only keeps her attention on you while she tries to find
the answer, but also signals that you‘re a real man who doesn‘t have to give in
to a woman‘s demands.
So be mysterious. Avoiding questions is usually better than answering
And if she gets frustrated because she wants to know something that you
won‘t tell her, all the better. Frustration is OK when it comes to this situation!
The more frustrated she gets, the more you know she likes you. If she
didn‘t like you, she wouldn‘t care very much at all. Her frustration means
you‘re a challenge to her and that makes you even more attractive than any
answer to the secret you‘re keeping would make you.
Coming up next... We‘re going to explore an excellent way to keep
mysterious despite a woman‘s direct questions—Cocky Comedy...