Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1

Sometimes seeing this mistake makes me so sad I want to coach these
guys directly! Well, almost... There‘s a whole lot they could learn simply from
starting to read my free newsletters.

Powerful Cocky Comedy makes most women react surprised and even
shocked. At least initially... If you‘re going to give up as soon as you feel any
resistance, you‘re only wasting energy.

So don‘t wuss-out; make the effort!

Instead of acting intimidated, just stick with it. She will get confused at
first, because you‘re not apologetic or defensive about having upset her. But
her mood will quickly change once she sees you‘re not really trying to offend
her... You‘re only teasing.

And since she‘ll look insecure if she can‘t take a joke, she‘ll start to smile
and laugh... And then the strength of your self-confidence will spark the magic
feeling of ATTRACTION.

Your goal is not to upset a woman, but to get under her skin enough by
teasing, busting on her, and acting cocky and funny that it ignites the magical
attraction mechanism.

Overdoing It

In short... yes, it is possible to tease a girl too much. But if this happens,
you're probably either: 1) Crossing the line of INSULTING instead of teasing...
or 2) Dealing with a woman who has no sense of humor, in which case you're
better off saying "thank you and good night" as soon as possible... and saving
yourself from the most boring evening of your life. Remember: The objective
of teasing is to INCREASE THE ATTRACTION that she's feeling for you.

Balancing Ball Busting With Regular Conversation..............................

It‘s important to balance Cocky Comedy with regular conversation. Keep in
mind that Cocky Comedy and ball busting is actually teasing. It‘s supposed to
be fun.

Remember to use it as a spice and not the substance. Women don‘t want a
guy who is sarcastic ALL THE TIME. If you rely on Cocky Comedy too much,
you will come off insecure and immature.

Let‘s sum it all up:

  1. Use the magic formula of COCKY+FUNNY. Arrogance by itself is a turn-
    off to women. But arrogant humor that MAKES THEM LAUGH is a
    HUGE turn on. Make jokes about her trying to pick up on you, tease

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