Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1

feel she‘s the only one gives her the impression you‘re not very desirable to
other girls in general, which makes her feel less interested in you.

But if you‘re aware of the bountiful sea from which you have to fish, your
words, body language and actions will show that you could be with any
number of girls. Since they must think you‘re attractive, she should consider
you attractive too. From the simple change in mindset from scarcity of women
to plenty of women, negative signals from your subconscious will be reversed
into more attractive ones.

So repeat to yourself ten times over, every time you start treating a
woman like she‘s the only woman you‘ll ever have a chance with:

―There are THREE BILLION MORE women on this planet!‖

Not letting her become too important in your life remains important even
after the initial stages of dating. I get lots of emails from guys who‘ve
connected with a great girl, but screwed it up when things got difficult because
they made her too important. Instead of taking the "NEXT!" attitude (which
creates all kinds of attraction), they CLING and act NEEDY, generally doing

It‘s much better to have the mental attitude of "I'll enjoy this woman's
company as long as it‘s a good thing. The moment that she becomes a strain
or a pain, I'm out of here. I don't need problems or drama in my life, and my
happiness is more important than any woman."

The first response to this is usually "But this woman is SPECIAL. She's not
like other women. She's the one." Blah blah blah... If she's the ONE, then all
the more reason to take this attitude.

Well, "THE ONE" ISN'T LOOKING FOR A WUSS. Remember that.

The "NEXT!" attitude will do a lot of good things for your success with
women. Use it.

Taking Rejection Personally

Despite how quickly and easily a failure can be left behind, we allow
rejection and even the mere idea of rejection to impact us emotionally.
Rejection is not a judgment of your worth, as many people assume. Taking
rejection personally is such a powerful negative it can cause neurosis and
phobias around approaching women.

Let‘s say a woman ―rejects‖ you after you‘ve just started talking to her.
Remember, the woman has gotten to know nothing about you, so if she
rejects you, it has to do with her internal state and your methods of approach,
but it can’t be about you as a person.

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