because he doesn‘t think he‘s good enough to please her on his own
merits... so instead you think of a cocky and funny comment to make
on her apartment and how you‘d hoped she‘d have a pool, so when
she asks ―Why?‖, you could say that you want to see whether she
looked as good in a bikini as she does in that dress.
Expecting Instant Gratification
Sometimes a guy will learn my theories, go out and try them on ONE girl
and if it doesn‘t work out with that ONE girl, decide the techniques are no
Human interaction, attraction, and dating are incredibly complex systems
that involve a huge number of variables. This complexity can be
I‘ve learned something interesting: Chaos theory shows that in any such
system, small changes in initial conditions can yield huge differences in
Remember in Jurassic Park where the Jeff Goldblum makes a comment
about a butterfly flapping its wings and causing a tornado far away?
Well, if you learn how to get things STARTED the right way, it can lead to
fantastic success in the future. But learning how to do this right takes time.
And don‘t forget, women have their ups and downs too.
If the first girl you try these theories on doesn‘t react favorably it might
have less to do with the supposed failings of the approach and more to do with
her being married, having just lost her job, it being ̳that time of month,‘ etc.
If you apply this knowledge to more than one girl and compare the average
results to your average results before (if you had any!), you‘ll see that IT‘S
TRUE AND IT WORKS. Furthermore, this is a complex skill and practice will
improve the results.
You‘ve got to remember how risk and return work. Consider the stock
market theory of expectation: losing small on 9 trades and winning big on the
10th can be a big winner, while winning small on 9 and losing big on the 10th
trade can be an overall loser.
Unfortunately, most people can‘t play theories where they lose that much.
They can‘t step backwards, because they always want to move forward. A lot
of guys get all freaked out if they think they‘re going to have to walk up to 3
women to get 1 number, and then ask 2 out to get 1 date.