Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1


Now that we‘ve explained the type of man women are attracted to and
why, let‘s explore how to be the kind of man that triggers a woman‘s
attraction mechanism.

We‘ve seen that our brain evolved with a sexual function.

It isn‘t surprising that the triggers to attraction are hard-wired into it. Once
again, we can learn some powerful surprises by going through a little more
intellectual analysis...

To create attraction, you need to do the things that trigger the
corresponding chemical release, just like what happens when you‘re in danger
or really excited about something.

It‘s a process that has been carefully wired up for millions of years with
simple rules, simple steps, and simple ways to create it.

Likewise, millions of years of evolution have also wired up built-in cheat
detection systems.

Ethology and the Study of Animals

Now what we humans do in the dating world seems like a far cry from
anything you see in nature, but humans share many patterns displayed in
nature... and we can draw an insightful parallel.

If you‘ve spent any time watching National Geographic or Discovery, then
you‘ve seen your fair share of animal mating dances.

These dances can sometimes be amazingly complex and time-consuming.
These behaviors are not taught to animals in a classroom, learned from an
older brother, or read about in magazines.

It‘s all built-in.

Hard wired.


Animals go through a very standard 3-stage process:

  1. Sign Stimulus: The sign stimulus is the sensory input that starts the
    whole thing; e.g. a red belly signaling fertility.

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