Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1

The Pre-Programmed Man Archetype Homing Mechanism

We‘ve seen that evolution has led women to come pre-wired with a ―good
genes‖ program and a corresponding attraction mechanism. Here are some
characteristics that trigger it:

 Dominance
o Over her
o Over others
 Strength
o Physical
o Emotional
o Intellectual
 Novelty-Seeking (Adventurous)
 Resources
o Mental
 Knowledge
 Learning ability
 Analytical ability
o Physical
 Money
 Possessions
 Looks

Men have the potential to have all these attributes, but along the way we
get discouraged and never develop into the man that is attractive to women.

Only the last one is beyond your control, and even it can be maximized to
its full potential and bring most guys to at least average looks.

The bottom line is that most guys just have the wrong idea in general.

They think they have to do things for women to get them interested.

Actually, just being the best man you can be for yourself is the answer.

In fact, it‘s everything.
It triggers the attractive man program and the corresponding automatic
attraction mechanism in a woman.

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