Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1

The best evidence I can give you for this theory was my experience talking
to dancers in go-go bars. They weren‘t strippers, but they were girls who were
paid just to dance, fully if not sexily clothed, and chat with the patrons. I could
approach the hottest girl there and have extremely direct conversations about
sex and discuss the details of their sexual preferences—and they would end up
giving me their number and saying they want to hang out sometime.

They would also talk very honestly about the perverts they usually had to
talk to. These were guys who came by regularly to chat with them, but who
never brought up sex. These guys would act real ̳NICE‘ to the girl, but
because they couldn‘t talk about sex calmly and openly, they revealed that sex
was what was really on their minds, and that their niceness was just
manipulation towards that goal.

Another powerful way that the topic of sex is used when it comes to
attraction is when WOMEN bring it up to see how you respond.

Attractive women often use the topic of sex as a TEST.

If an attractive woman is talking to you, and she feels like she‘s losing
control of the conversation, she might bring up sex to see if she can ―zing‖
you... to see if she can distract you and take control back.

You‘ve probably had it happen.

You‘re having a conversation, teasing a girl, having fun... and all of a
sudden she mentions that she has had sex with another woman, or that she
masturbates a lot... or that she loves sex.

Most guys have no idea what to do with this, so they ―buckle‖.

They get that ―wow‖ look on their face and lose control of the conversation.

The woman sees this happening and realizes that she can own the
conversation (and you) by talking about sex. And you lose your status with
her. And she loses her attraction.

If a woman tries this move (or one like it), just casually blow it off and
make her look stupid.

Let‘s say she says, ―I‘ve had sex with more than one woman.‖

Shoot back, ―Wow, can‘t find a guy who wants you, huh? You must be
quite a pain...‖

That will take the momentum she was trying to create and turn it around
on her! It says all the right things.

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