sense. But like all visual effects, keep these reigned in. Don’t “oversaturate”
your page with tons of filters that distract from your content.
11.6 WebGL
We talked about the <canvas> tag’s 2D context in this book, but there’s another
specification in progress that describes how to work with 3D objects. The
WebGL specification isn’t part of HTML5, but Apple, Google, Opera, and
Mozilla are part of the working group and have implemented some support
in their browsers.^8
Working with 3D graphics is well beyond the scope of this book, but the site
Learning WebGL has some great examples and tutorials.^9
11.7 Onward!
I t’s an exciting time to be a developer. This book just barely scrapes the surface
of what the future holds. There’s so much more to the specifications, and I
encourage you to dig deeper. As time goes on, the specifications will change,
browsers will gain new abilities, and you’ll have even more options at your
disposal. I hope you take what you learned here and continue to build and
explore, watching the various specifications as you do so.
Now go build something awesome!
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