HTML5 and CSS3, Second Edition

(singke) #1
loading H5F using, 57 – 58
using with load() function,
48, 224
Mozilla, see also Firefox
adoption of CSS3 and
HTML5 by, 8
VP8 and WebM support-
ed by, 136
Mozilla Developer Network,
MP3 codec, 135
MP3 files, encoding, 273
MP4 container, working with
codecs, 135
MP4 files, playing if browser
doesn’t support Flash, 145
MPEG group, creating H.264
codec, 133
multimedia, see also audio;
canvas; SVG (Scalable Vec-
tor Graphics); video
about, 4
quick reference for, 256 –

about, 14
in semantic markup for
blog, 18 – 19
navigation hints, providing
with ARIA roles, 93 – 97
network, synchronizing local
data and detecting connec-
tivity of, 205
network connectivity, synchro-
nizing local data and detect-
ing, 205
noMeterSupport() function, 27
Node Packaged Modules
(NPM), installing dependen-
cies, xvi
Node.js, installing, xvi
NPM (Node Packaged Mod-
ules), installing dependen-
cies, xvi
:nth-child selector, 67, 72
:nth-last-child selector, 67, 74
:nth-of-type selector, 67, 71
number input type
about, 38
spinboxes as, 40
NVDA screen reader, 97

<object>, <embed> tag and, 132
Offline Web Applications
about, 184
working offline using,
203 – 206
OGG (Vorbis) codec, 135
OGG container, working with
codecs, 135
on() method, 218
onclick() method, separating
from content behavior, 30 –
onclose() method, 222
ondrag() method, 234
ondragend() method, 234
ondragenter() method, 234
ondragleave() method, 234
ondragover() method, 234
ondragstart() method, 234
ondrop() method, 234
onmessage() method, 221 – 222 ,
244 , 247
onopen() method, 221
onreadystatechange, 46
opacity() filter effect, 251
OpenType (OTF)
about, 165
browsers supporting, 165
about quick reference of
new elements support-
ed by, 253 – 254
about shorthand code for
browser, xiii
alternative to drawing in,
audio and video features
supported in, 131
audio codecs supported
by, 135
combinations of contain-
ers and codecs support-
ed by, 135
Cross-Origin Resource
Sharing supported by,
CSS Filter Effects support-
ed by, 239
features for storing data
on client supported by,
Flexible Box model sup-
ported by, 239
fonts supported by, 165

HTML5 APIs supported
by, 207 – 208
interface accessibility
techniques supported
by, 92
media queries support in,
new elements supported
by, 14
providing hints with
placeholder text in, 52
selectors supported by,
67 – 68
user interface features
supported by, 151 – 152
vendor-specific prefixes
used in, 88
VP8 codec supported by,
web form features sup-
ported by, 38
Web VTT supported by,
Web Workers supported
by, 239
OTF (OpenType)
about, 165
browsers supporting, 165

pattern, validation with regular
expressions using, 55 – 56
pattern attribute, building vali-
dation with, 57
placeholder support input
about, 38
providing hints with, 50 –
platform vs. specification,
HTML5, xi–xii
polite method of updating,
polyfills, resource for making
features work in unsupport-
ed browsers, 275
<polyline>, 126
pop-up windows, creating
with custom data at-
tributes, 30 – 33
Porteneuve, Christophe,
Pragmatic Guide to Java-
Script, xiv
postMessage() method, 218 ,
244 , 246– 247
Pragmatic Guide to JavaScript,
turning HTML into, 124

Index • 286

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