Pragmatic Guide to JavaScript
(Porteneuve), xiv
preload attribute, 141
presentation role, improving
table accessibility using,
printer-only style sheet, creat-
ing, 79
processLogin() function, 174 –
175 , 177
processResults() method, 246
profile, attribute, 8
<progress>, about, 14
progress tags, showing
progress toward goal with,
promises, using jQuery’s
support for, 175
pseudoclasses, styling tables
with, 69 – 77
about, 69 – 71
aligning column text with
:nth-child, 72– 73
bolding last row with :last-
child, 73– 74
counting backward with
:nth-last-child, 74– 75
striping rows with :nth-of-
type selector, 71 – 72
pseudoelements, 78 – 80
pushState() method, 209
range (slider) type, 40
Raphaël library, 130
real-time interaction, 219
redistribution rights, of fonts,
regions, updatable
hiding, 102 – 103
polite and assertive updat-
ing, 102
regular expressions, valida-
tion with, 55 – 56
required fields input type,
building validation with,
38, 57
Respond.js library, media
queries support in, 83
rgb() function, 162
rgba support, user interface
about, 151
making transparent
backgrounds, 162 – 163
RGraph library
ExplorerCanvas library
working with, 124
graphing statistics with,
120 – 125
rights and licenses, of fonts,
rights, fonts and, 166
the role attribute, 92
rotate() method, 162
rotation, user interface fea-
ture, 151 , 161
rough edges, rounding, in
user interface, 153 – 156
rounding rough edges, in user
interface, 153 – 156
rumble effect, creating, 173 –
sIFR, 164
about quick reference of
new elements support-
ed by, 253 – 254
about shorthand code for
browser, xiii
adoption of CSS3 and
HTML5 by, 8
alternative to drawing in,
audio and video features
supported in, 131
audio codecs supported
by, 135
combinations of contain-
ers and codecs support-
ed by, 135
Cross-Origin Resource
Sharing supported by,
CSS Filter Effects support-
ed by, 239
features for storing data
on client supported by,
Flash Player not support-
ed by, 132
Flexible Box model sup-
ported by, 239
fonts supported by, 165
HTML5 APIs supported
by, 207 – 208
IndexedDB supported by,
interface accessibility
techniques supported
by, 92
live regions supported by,
media queries support in,
new elements supported
by, 14
participating in real-time
chats using, 223
providing hints with
placeholder text in, 52
resources in HTML5 for,
selectors supported by,
67 – 68
Server-Sent Events sup-
ported by, 239
support for working of-
fline in, 203 , 205– 206
vendor-specific prefixes
used in, 88
video codecs supported
in, 133
VP8 codec supported by,
web form features sup-
ported by, 38
Web SQL Databases API
in, 202
Web VTT supported by,
Web Workers supported
by, 239
Safari on iOS
about shorthand code for
browser, xiii
alternative to drawing in,
audio and video features
supported in, 131
audio codecs supported
by, 135
Cross-Origin Resource
Sharing supported by,
CSS Filter Effects support-
ed by, 239
features for storing data
on client supported by,
Flexible Box Model sup-
ported by, 239
fonts supported by, 165
Index • 287
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