Nursing Law and Ethics
role. There may be a board sub-committee led by a clinical professional such as the medical director or chief nurse and the expe ...
11.4 Elements of clinical governance Clinical governance provides a framework or mechanism through which clinicians and managers ...
11.5 Risk management Risk management is the lynch-pin which pulls together all the different elements of clinical governance. It ...
long or not being communicated with, to the patient having the wrong operation or suffering permanent disability or wrongful dea ...
Risk management is the system identification, assessment and reduction of risks to patients and staff: . through providing appro ...
questions can be formulated. This will be supported by identifying the best-related evidence available from the literature, crit ...
11.9.2 The Commission for Health Improvement CHI) This is a statutory body which provides independent scrutiny of local efforts ...
. restoring working balances; . prevention and control of communicable disease especially: ± hospital acquired infection ± reduc ...
Framework, taking account of ``value added''. Yellow organisations will be meeting all or most national core standards, but will ...
aspect of the Trust's care at any time. Pals' staff and forum members will also have access to the new NHS Leadership Centre's p ...
participate in internal and external clinical audit systems. Clinical audit will pro- vide a comprehensive framework for quality ...
current systems of quality assurance and clinical audit based on evaluation of clinical standards, better utilisation of evidenc ...
Clinical governance will have an important part to play in restoring public confidence in health care delivery through demonstra ...
BAnEthical Perspective ± Quality and Judgement Lucy Frith Clinical governance is the latest `big idea' for the NHS [1]. The main ...
,health outcomes), equit y,access to their services), and humanit y,patients' and carers' views). With these three elements of c ...
context. The aim of setting standards in clinical governance is to determine the best' treatment or approach to a condition and ...
objective value-judgements, namel ya judgement of what is a good outcome. It is generall yargued that clinical trials are design ...
incorporate a particular view of what defines a good outcome. If we can formulate ageneral consensus over what constitutes a goo ...
individual ethic [8]. EBM is concerned with finding out what is the most effective treatment for a particular patient. However, ...
practice and formulate clinical guidelines that represent best practice. Since April 1994 all Trusts have had to show that the y ...
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