Nursing Law and Ethics

(Marcin) #1

  1. GMC ?1997)Serious Communicable Diseases.General Medical Council ,London.

  2. See generally M. Gunn ?1994) The meaning of incapacity. 2 Med LR 8.

  3. Grubb ?1994) 2 Med LR1.
    10.Mental Incapacity?1995) Law Commission Report 231. The Stationery Office ,London.

  4. ?1997) Cm 3803.

  5. ?1999) Cm 4465. McHale ,J.V. ?1998) Mental Incapacity: some proposals for legislative
    reform.Journal of Medical Ethics,24 ,322.

  6. Delany ,L. ?1998) Responsibility and Capacity.Health Care Risk Report,7 ,70.

  7. SeeRv.Brown[1993] 2 All ER 75.

  8. Prohibition of Female Circumcision Act 1985 section 1.

  9. SeeBraveryv.Bravery[1954] 1 WLR 1169.

  10. This was suggested by Lord Edmund Davies in a statement made extra judicially ± see
    ?1969)Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. ,62 ,633±4.

  11. See Fox ,M. & McHale ,J. ?1998) Xenotransplantation 6 Med LR 42.

  12. Skegg ,P.D.G. ?1984)Law, Ethics and Medicine,p. 32. Clarendon Press ,London.

  13. See the comments of Mr Justice Bristow inChattertonv.Gersonand M. Brazier ?1987)
    Patient autonomy and consent to treatment: the role of the law.Legal Studies,7 ,169.

  14. See discussion in Wicks ,E. ?2001) The right to refuse medical treatment under the
    European Convention on Human Rights. 8 Med LR 17.

  15. See for exampleRe L medical treatment; Gillick competency)[1998] 2 FLR 810.

  16. See Grubb ?1993) Commentary. 1 Med LR 92.

  17. See furtherCv.S[1988] QB 135 andPatonv.British Pregnancy Advisory Service[1978] 2
    All ER 987.

  18. See further Kennedy ,I. ?1990) A woman and her unborn child; rights and responsi-
    bilities. In P. Byrne ?ed)Ethics and Law in Health Care and Research.John Wiley ,Chi-

  19. See discussion in Kennedy ,I. & Grubb ,A. ?2000)Medical Law.Oxford University
    Press ,Oxford.

  20. InACitself an enforced caesarean was rejected. The court did indicate that they may be
    used in suitable cases and mentioned a court decision very similar toRe S.However,
    they did not express an opinion on that case.

  21. RCOG ?1994)AConsideration of the Law and Ethics in Relation to Court-Authorised
    Obstetric Interventionsand see also the revisions in ?RCOG 1996)Supplement to a
    Consideration of the Law and Ethics in Relation to Court-Authorised Obstetric Interventions.

  22. It was suggested that anaesthetic should be given through a mask ,but when the risks of
    this procedure ,namely that there was a possibility that a patient on whom this pro-
    cedure is used may regurgitate and inhale the contents of the stomach ,were explained
    to her ,consent was refused.

  23. Reference was made to the statement of Lord Justice Goff inCollinsv.Wilcock[1984] 1
    WLR 1172 as approved inRe F[1990] 1 AC 1 ,the judgment of Lord Templeman in
    Sidawayv.Bethlem Hospital Governors[1985] AC 871 at pp. 904±5 and Lord Donaldson
    inRe T an adult refusal to consent to medical treatment)[1992] 4 All ER 649 CA.

  24. [1997] FLR 426 at pp. 436±7.

  25. [1997] FLR 437.

  26. [1997] FLR 438.

  27. Kennedy ,I. ?1990) A woman and her unborn child: rights and responsibilities. In P.
    Byrne ?ed.)Ethics and Law in Health Care and Research.John Wiley ,Chichester.

  28. SeeBolamv.Friern Hospital Management Company[1957] 2 All ER 118.

  29. See for example Fennel ,P. ?1990) Inscribing Paternalism in Law: Consent to Treatment
    and Mental DisorderJournal of Law and Society,29.

  30. See for example Grubb ,A. & Pearl ,D. ?1989) Sterilisation ± courts and doctors as

Consent and the Capable Adult Patient 119
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