The Art of Magic by Moriel Yamanu

(tbbbooks) #1

Antiquity. Antiquity is your return after you complete your Mission. Who seeks to know himself
aspires to the mind and moves away from Antiquity.


The Art of Magic does not recognize the mediocre. If you allow yourself to be mediocre, you better
not deal with Magic. It is extremely dangerous to be mediocre in the Art of Magic. Magic is not
something that is learned simply out of curiosity. It can't be a hobby. It is a personal Mission. And
if you give up your personal Mission, there can be very severe magical and psychological
consequences. You need to be more than what is expected of you. You can do much more than
you think, but your mind and the limitations imposed by society do not allow you to reach your
potential. Uniqueness begins when you free yourself from the grip of society - only then you do
gain true freedom and you can reach your potential. An Apprentice can never justify his failures
with the fact of being unexperienced. One must strive to reach the level of the Master-Magician
every day. One must strive for Flawlessness every day. The mediocre scholar postpones what is
planned, postpones his lessons. The mediocre Apprentice is in constant danger because he is
trapped in the world. And the World is a very hostile place for an Apprentice in the Magic Art.
Therefore, be the best you are capable of every day, and when you reach the end of your strength,
do not stop but move on to the unknown. There awaits you your uniqueness, your hidden skills
that you still do not comprehend.


Most people want to be like someone else. To have what someone else has. No one is happy with
what they have at the moment. Few realize what they really have. The Magician has the Magic Art
and he doesn't need anybody else, he doesn't want anything else. The other people have many
things in their lives and they always lack something. They have jobs, careers, money, cars, real
estate and they still have a gap. They have friends, family, loved ones and they are still missing
something. The Magician is the one who is without anything in this world. He has only his Magic
and it is Sacred to him and gives him completeness that others do not have. So don't be the others

  • this is a dead end.


There is no obstacle to using Magic Art for personal purposes, as long as they are necessary. It
should not be used for personal profit. This is different. For example, if you are sick and can
magically improve your condition, this is not a profit. You are even somewhat obliged to use magic
to correct - you need to be in good shape to be able to serve the Mission. If a person confronts us

  • again we can use the Magic Act to go out of the attack and so not to waste time in competing but
    to concentrate on more important things. All this is for personal well being, but not for personal
    profit. The personal well being is part of the personal Mission, and the personal Mission is part of
    the overall Mission. It is quite another case if you just sit and get bored (a Magician can never be
    bored and should never be bored) and decides to do "magic" for unnecessary and misunderstood

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