Constant thinking and talking with your mind takes a lot of energy and causes loss of
concentration. Excessive talking also consumes a lot of energy and disrupts integrity.
When it comes to diet, the Apprentice mustn't overeat. He should eat when he really wants to eat,
not because he is forced to eat at a particular hour. The usual regimen is to eat twice a day. The
stomach is the center of the body and ground the person. When the stomach is constantly full and
is constantly working, it takes man`s energy.
If we talk about nutrition in a broader sense, the Apprentice should pay attention to the absorption
of sunlight through his body and eyes, as well as water and salt. Practicing breathing exercises.
The balanced absorption of the above significantly increases the energy level of the Apprentice.
Sleep is very important for restoring energy levels. Getting up with an alarm should be avoided in
every possible way. You need to get out of sleep smoothly. As for preparing for sleep - there is a
moment when the body is already tired, but the thinking process is still clear. This process usually
lasts about 1-2 hours, and then the mind is overloaded as well. The Аpprentice should not be
disturbed to the last with electronic tools, instead when he feels physically tired, he may just lie
down and read a book or meditate on certain esoteric topics or practice his magic skills.
The Apprentice should maintain good physical condition. Never allow yourself to neglect your
body. The Аpprentice should do regular exercises to train his muscles and tendons. He must train
for speed, stamina, and strength. To develop combat skills and work with weapons.
Concentration channels energy and gives it constancy in the flow amplitude. Periodic practice in
logic and strategy games, riddles, puzzles, and others train Concentration.
An active sexual life consumes a large amount of energy. The sexual act has the original intention
to create. Although not every sexual act ends with conception, something is always created - a
feeling, an idea, an emotion, although in most cases this is not realized by the participants in the
process. It is a process of releasing energy that is not actually used out of necessity but is lost. In
this way, the Apprentice loses energy and access to certain parts of his Consciousness and
temporarily or permanently (especially if the sexual act leads to conception) blocks specific
magical frequencies of vibration. As an unwritten rule, the Apprentice is completely devoted to
the Magic Art - Magic is his only "wife". In isolated situations, if the candidate is not yet ready for
full initiation and still has one foot in the World of People, it is recommended to limit himself to
only one constant sexual partner and not to exceed sexual acts, especially when he has a low energy
level. The most unfavorable option is when the candidate cheats on his partner and this has nothing
to do with morality or ethics. When we have a case of infidelity, even if the passive participants in
the process do not know what is actually happening (for example, wife and mistress), they at a
very deep level feel the change in the energy field and form volitional impulses to their
"competitors", which leads to energy failure, which can lead to permanent damage and sometimes
even to diseases. Apart from the sexual act itself, what consumes a lot of energy are the thoughts
and fantasies about an upcoming sexual act. It is these thoughts that are the generator of the mind,
and instead of blocking it or at least controlling it, they increase its power and in turn suppress the
magical energy of the Apprentice. When the Apprentice spends time without sexual intercourse, a
very large amount of energy accumulates. If he succeeds in transforming the primary thoughts of
sex and the satisfaction of the desire that has arisen and turns them into Intention, then the
Apprentice can achieve the impossible. This means using his impulse, but removing the mind and
giving a new direction to the Intention. Then he achieves Control and Energy is not wasted. Then
the Apprentice is no longer a slave to the mind and the Energy begins to serve his Intention. It is